Avast! Connection Timeout

Firstly, hope I’m in correct forum - I am new to Avast so apols if I’m asking a v basic Q.

Whilst surfing, without performing any specific Avast op, I’m reg getting following message :-

Avast! Connection timeout.

Internet connection timeout elapsed. Continue waiting?
( various diff nos. appear each time)

I’m left to click Y or N and, whichever is pressed, message returns shortly after, sometimes within 1 minute!

What can I do to overcome this?

TIA for any help!


PS Avast I use is 4.6 anti-virus with b/band con and windows 2000!

Did you increase the avast! timeout into Internet Mail provider and Outlook pluggin settings?
These settings are in the ‘Advanced’ tab. :wink:

Try to find out which program established the connection that timed out, you can use e.g. TCPView (http://www.sysinternals.com/Utilities/TcpView.html).

Thanks for both your replies! Have now increased I/net Mail timeout and this should help lessen the prob considerably, although sometimes I got the dreaded message well b4 prev timeout!

Will also do the rec check as adv!
