August 1, 2005, 11:46am
Firstly, hope I’m in correct forum - I am new to Avast so apols if I’m asking a v basic Q.
Whilst surfing, without performing any specific Avast op, I’m reg getting following message :-
Avast! Connection timeout.
Internet connection timeout elapsed. Continue waiting?
( various diff nos. appear each time)
I’m left to click Y or N and, whichever is pressed, message returns shortly after, sometimes within 1 minute!
What can I do to overcome this?
TIA for any help!
PS Avast I use is 4.6 anti-virus with b/band con and windows 2000!
Did you increase the avast! timeout into Internet Mail provider and Outlook pluggin settings?
These settings are in the ‘Advanced’ tab.
Try to find out which program established the connection that timed out, you can use e.g. TCPView ( ).
August 1, 2005, 2:33pm
Thanks for both your replies! Have now increased I/net Mail timeout and this should help lessen the prob considerably, although sometimes I got the dreaded message well b4 prev timeout!
Will also do the rec check as adv!