AVAST consumes network bandwidth in background

AVAST constantly uses all available network bandwidth in background. AVAST is not updating at the time when I captured the screenshot. This slows down my internet connection and I cannot open webpages and windows update also fails. I am using 8 Mbps connection and from time to time AVAST consumes the entire bandwidth. Although at the time of capturing the screenshot AVAST is consuming only 1 Mbps but it do consume the whole bandwidth and it varies from time to time.

The image doesn’t mean a thing if you don’t also show the headers.

The headers are CPU, Memory, Disk and Network respectively.

I’ve checked mine and it was at 0. But you have to understand, it downloads updates regularly and checks within cloud. It’ll happen at one point you’ll see it consume bandwidth. But surely, it’s not doing this all the time for extended periods of time.

Ok, my turn. I barely get 2 bars, 4G, AT&T mobile hotspot, which means I am currently getting .1 mb/s. Yes “point” 1. Anyway, this is my ONLY access to the internet(if you’re only comment is to get faster internet, then I say GET LOST, your wasting my time). Now, as of March 11, 2017, AVAST updated on my computer, which in itself took hours. Problem now is avast service is using all the bandwidth I have, which is barely any at all, the ENTIRE time I am connected to the internet! The only way I am able to pull up this page and gripe, is I UNINSTALLED AVAST completely. Now, my question is: "Why is avast service running constantly?!?!?!, and I mean ALL THE TIME!!!

BTW: If AVAST does any kind of update, any kind, it should only happen when I say so.

I barely get 2 bars
That has nothing to do with avast. That has to do with the quality of your phone, location of the access points from your telco, weather conditions and such.
Now, my question is: "Why is avast service running constantly?!?!?!, and I mean ALL THE TIME!!!
Well, that is easy to answer. You want your system protected in real time. avast (nor any other anti-malware application) can do so if it is not running.
BTW: If AVAST does any kind of update, any kind, it should only happen when I say so.
It only does perform updates with your permission. You agreed to the terms when you installed avast. That means you agreed that avast can and will perform updates without asking you each time they release one. And updates can be micro fixes, vps updates etc.

I am too, just uninstalled avast for sake browsing in 1mbps connection. And I login for first time coz that really annoying

I was a long time avast user (since version 4) and I updated avast (program) recently and voila (after update), avast taking all my bandwidth for hours, making me not able to load single website.
I just want to do short internet banking, and I cant do that.
I already did disable all protection. disable the update. and Avast service still kindnap my bandwidth.

Seem the only way is to using avast 2016 (April) with newest virus def that In my experience, never have problem with bandwidth.

Sorry, just want to point / highlight the issue, for better (easier/faster) understanding the issue is
I don’t want “But you have to understand, it downloads updates regularly” response
I want “Downloads updates regularly, without ruining my work” The bandwidth usage is too much compared avast old version
The “taking all my bandwidth for hours” part, is big issue for country that have slow internet, and expensive, quota based, internet price
At least, If avast cant toned down the bandwith usage, please, make me can choice to let avast take bandwidth or not, so when I don’t have to use internet, I happily let avast taking bandwidth.

Try the gaming mode:



Thanks for info, idk gaming mode stoping avast from taking bandwidth.
Avast UI need to mention that at gaming mode, as probably most avast user wouldn’t know it

Sorry, but I cant test it for now. I’m using avast 11.2.2262 with lastest def, and I happy with this version.
As I using windows 8.1, seem no need windows 10 compatibility, and idk, seem more lighter than lastest version with same protection on

Gaming mode may work for now, but still not ideal.
I want some notification in case avast moving something to chest/block connection.
Still, better than nothing. Thanks

Avast 17 has far greater protection than v11, there are many detections that v17 has that v11 will not be able to pick up. There is also no behaviour shield and/or CyberCapture which are essential to stop zero day malware.

That’s to mention a few, there’s many more. On top of that, v11 is vulnerable to Double Agent vulnerability.