Hey guys i have a question when i first got avast avast it never crashed then started blue screening my comptuer and giving off avast.ui errors then i re-installed it and it didn’t crash for a wile then it started blue screening and erroring again why is avast blue screening and erroring my comptuer?
Which version of Avast are you using?
What is your OS?
What other security products are you running?
Did you uninstall your previous antivirus?
Have you ran the Avast uninstall tool?
If Windows is giving you the warning. Go to User Accounts in Control Panel, Click on Change User Account Control Settings, and move the slider all the way down.
Uninstall Avast, and reinstall it.
Look at the Attachment below:
UAC does not give errors or block Avast. UAC has nothing to do with this. Thanks. He clearly said “error” and not “warning”.
UAC does give errors, and it does block Avast.
There are no posts showing that. UAC stands for User Account Control. I makes you aware that certain software is going to make changes to your OS. Avast, like any other antivirus does not make changes to the OS. Not sure if you fully understand what UAC is. UAC does not interfere with ANY antivirus. Also until spikeman168 replies we do not even know his OS. What if he is on XP? Even under an LUA I have never seen UAC interfere with Avast.
avast is latest version
windows 7
spy bot and ccleaner
also i don’t know hat UAC has anything to do with me crashing but it says several times that something about avast.ui cashing and a blue screen about it not a warning a crashing also sorry for late post
First of all welcome to the forum. Secondly disable SpyBot’s tea time and uninstall it. MalwareBytes AntiMalware Free is a million times better. See how that goes. If it still crashes then uninstall Avast using the Avast Uninstall tool and redownload Avast and reinstall it.
I’m sorry but i also lost my comptuer this time i couldn’t even log into my desktop i had to run disk check 2 to get it fixed i’m installing avg