AVAST creates JET.TMP files?

Ever since installing Avast!Home a few days ago, I have had two undeletable TMP files in my Windows\Temp folder:

Jet3884.tmp and Jetda50.tmp

Since these files can never be deleted, they are apparently in use at all times. What are they for?

(I’m running Win98SE)

You can’t delete them because they are in use. An over simplification, the jet files relate to the database=odbc, how avast stores some data/settings and that generates the jet tmp files, tomorrow you will be able to delete them (but there are likely to be new tmp files).

You can change the database that avast uses to database=xml and that will stop using the odbc and will subsequently stop the jet tmp files.

You can manually edit the avast4.ini file (using a text editor) and change database=odbc to database=xml, this is in the [Common] section.

Thanks for your comments, DavidR. Are there any negatives involved in changing from ODBC to XML ? If not, do you know why XML isn’t the default setting in the first place?

No real negatives for the home version, the pro version gets more from the odbc database although I’m not sure exactly what. Since the Home/Pro use the same core functionality I believe it is set to odbc by default. This saves any problem with pro users having to change and any home users upgrading.

For the most part people don’t really notice the jet tmp files and wouldn’t know there was any database involvement.

Thank you for the explanation, DavidR. You’ve answered all of my questions and concerns regarding the matter.


No problem happy to help