Use use Tradestation for data feed for stock/futures trading. When Avast updates, I almost always lose the connection with Tradestation (occured 10 times yesterday) - All other data feeds work (e.g., use Scottrade and no problems). Is there some kind of issue unique to Tradestation?
I think that it may be how the tradstation works, if it is using an http or https connection and doesn’t stick rigidly to that protocol it may break the connection.
The web shield monitors http traffic, but not https, so if there is non standard use of the http protocol whilst in http and or the switching between http and https, it could drop/lose the connection.
You could try exclude the tradstation IP address in the avastUI, Settings, Troubleshooting, Redirect Settings and add the IP address or domain name for tradestation in the Ignored addresss: window.
If DavidRs suggestion doesn’t work, you could change your automatic download setting to “ask when Update is available”. Then you could download when it doesn’t interfere.
Well the auto update shouldn’t interfere as it doesn’t use the browser and runs in the background on a low priority and restricted CPU usage.
BKinvst7 – I’m with the support staff of TradeStation Technologies, and I’d like to help you. A number of our customers are successfully using TradeStation and Avast together. If you go to, you’ll see a thread on our forums that discusses this. If after reading through this you continue to experience problems, please post to our support site and we’ll help you fix it. Many of our customers have found our forums to be a useful resource when seeking assistance specific to TradeStation, and we therefore encourage you to visit our forums and ask questions or contact our technical support line at any time at 800-822-0512.