Avast Decryptor: Can't press "Next"

Hello everyone.

Woke up yesterday to find a lot of my files suddenly having .LIME extensions.

Haven’t had any popups or wallpapers or anything actually demanding a ransom, so I’m kinda lost here…

After some searching, I seem to have been infected with some sort of ransomware based on Hidden Tear, at least that’s what it’s identifying as at ID Ransomware webpage.

Downloaded Avast Decryptor for this specific ransomware, but I’m stuck after choosing the encrypted and original file. Cannot press next after choosing files.

Does anyone have som tips? I’ll include the screenshot in this post.

Best regards, Tim

The reason why the decryptor won’t let you go fuhrter is that the extension “.lime” was not recognized. It’s probably different ransomware strain than HiddenTear. Please, could you send the ransom note and a sample of encrypted file to decryptors - at - avast - dot - com?