Avast Deep screen causes explorer to crash

Avast Deep screen causes explorer to crash when I open and run the executable file DwarfFortressMapCompressor.3.3.4.exe
This program is a utility that makes a map file out of groups of bitmaps exported by the game Dwarf Fortress.

When I run the program the Avast Deep Screen blue box appears around the window and the .exe stops responding and I cannot kill it even from the task manager. It has the secondary effect of causing the folder where I store the DwarfFortressMapCompressor.3.3.4.exe to stop responding and the only way to get rid of the process and folder is to restart the system.

None of this happens when I launch DwarfFortressMapCompressor.3.3.4.exe with Avast disabled.

It appears that Avast Deep Screen needs a rewrite or a debug at least.

Os: Win XP (I know it old but I cant afford a new OS).

If you are absolutely positive it’s safe you can make an exclusion.

GUI>Settings>Antivirus>scroll down to “exclusions”>the add the file and/or url :slight_smile: