I’m the editor of ‘Cyber Jass Chibre’, a swiss card game.
Since recent Avast updates (probably mid. 2013), we’ve got complains from customers that our app is crashing at startup. We discovered that it is related with Avast. When Avast ‘DeepScreen’ is disabled, or the app added in the ‘DeepScreen’ exclusion list, the crash doesn’t happens.
So far, the only answer I’ve got from the support, is “uninstall all, and reinstall”. I’m aware of that procedure, which doesn’t seems to fix the problem. However, as our product is a shareware, there is little chance the customer will question its AV installation. Instead, that customer will consider our product as bad and simply throw it away. For this reason, I’m pushing to have reasonable answers to that problem.
Here is the questions I have, which got unanswered from the support until now:
Is Avast recognising ‘DeepScreen’ crashes some apps when they startup?
If so, is Avast working on a solution and when it will be available?
If Avast is NOT working on that issue, what can we do in our software to reduce or suppress the occurence of the issue?
Well, I gave it another try with the last version, which is the one you mentionned, and it seems a bit better, in the sense the app eventually start, even after it crashed, and seems to be excluded from the scan upon next startup.
Is that a behavior change implemented in recent versions?
Still, that crash isn’t very good for the customer’s confidence. I would like to have a way to avoid it.
This is something I’ve already done. I wrote in the forum with the hope to get more insight, because my questions were left unanswered through the email support.
Now it is my turn to ask you questions ;D
Just out of curiosity.
Why is the website (http://www.cyberjass.com/) only in French?
And I see “Existe pour Windows Vista/Seven/8 et android.”
It doesn’t work on XP ?
The game is typically swiss and is rarely used outside the country. There was a time it existed an english translation, but it has been dropped due to the lack of interest in this language. But other languages might appears in the future (e.g. German).
About XP, it seems that ‘Qt Angle’, which is used for the Open GL part of the game under Windows, is not well supported under XP at the moment.