Avast delaying and freezing World of Warcraft

I’m no super tech geek, so I really dont know what is going on for sure, but it appears Avast is interfering with World of Warcraft.
When I launch the game, it takes over the display for a second and then the screen freezes for about 5 minutes, then continues on as if nothing has happened. Usually after about 10 minutes of game play, the screen locks up again, only permanently, forcing a Ctl-Alt-Del to end WoW.

However, if I completely disable Avast, the problem vanishes.

This started happening a week or two ago, and I have the latest version of Avast…24.2.6104 (build 24.2.8904.819), virus definition 240308-0

My only logical conclusion is that Avast is now messing up WoW… is this a known issue?

Well, bummer. Been a long run Avast, but I guess its time to move on

The latest version according to my UI is 24.2.6104 (build 24.2.8904.825) try a manual program update followed by a restart.

I am still investigating, It seems similar to this issue: https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=307269

I have created an exception for the game folder, I have also added the .exe in the allowed App (to disable Ransomware protection), issue still persists.
Disabling temporary Avast seems fixing the issue.

When Avast is enabled, Disabling HW virtualization in Avast troubleshooting settings seems fixing the issue., see EDIT below

I am running the latest Avast client and DB.

EDIT: Disabling HW virtualization does to not solve the issue: I confused because the fact is that after booting the machine if you open the game as soon as the Win10 Desktop is loaded (so just when the machine is up) you will not encounter the issue. If you wait a minute after the desktop load before opening the game the issue happens again. I noticed also that after 5 minutes of game opened the freeze does not happen anymore. It seems like Avast is trying to sandbox the game for 5 minutes, then sees that everything is ok and does not interphere anymore.
Probably the problematic Avast module is loaded after some time after the system start.