I have Windows 7 64 bit with Avast installed and I’m not always connected to Internet ( I have a dial-up connection).
While booting windows , after logging in with username and password, it takes up to 6 minutes to load desktop.
I solved the startup delay issue disabling the ‘reputation services’ in Avast.
As I think this services is really usefull, i don’t want to disable it completely to improve system performance at startup.
How can I do ?
Maybe you could try to delay the avast! update only for a few minutes.
To delay the update of avast into a permanent internet connection (DSL), just change (or add) AlwaysConnectedWaitSeconds value into the [InetWD] section of avast5.ini file. You need to edit it with Notepad (as admin) (or disable the self defense module and use other text editor as admin).
You could set the number of seconds to wait before attempting to update. The default is 30 but it may not be enough in some DSL systems. In this case, you can try increasing this e.g. to 60 (1 minute). That should be enough.
I’m using Avast 7 Free.
I don’t use other antivirus.
If I disable the ‘Reputation Service’ the startup time is normal.
I’ll try to modify avast5.ini file as mentioned by Tech.
what antivirus did you use before avast?
was your computer delivered with a preinstalled AV?
was these removed before installing avast?..using a removal tool to clear any leftover files that may conflict
My system came with McAfee installed, and I removed it and cleaned the system.
I think the problem is in ‘Reputation Servie’ trying to connecting to internet at startup (when an internet connection is not available).