Avast delete a programm.... help me ?

Avast Free version 18.4.2338 DELETE a file in a programm , i say that is NOT infect is a false/positive, but all the

way i de-zip the programm, avast delete the .EXE !

in how mode i tell to avast that NOT delete this ? help me thanks

Test the file at VT (https://www.virustotal.com) and post the link to the result here.

Asyn i to do the result is 32 infect on 68 anti-virus… is clear is a false/positive .

in the pc in office that use AVG , this not delete this file exe !

i put the folder that there is this file .EXE in the exclusion mode in avast, but when i reactive avast…

IT DELETE NOW this exe file !!!

why avast delete this file f insert it in the eclusion mode ??? help me

Hmmm, 32 of 68 doesn’t sound like a FP to me. Post the link to the VT result here.

Anyway, you can report a suspected FP (File/Website) here: https://www.avast.com/false-positive-file-form.php

is not infect is used for some people in the world , see here :


and AVG say no infected .

what the solution to AVAST not delete this file ?

Wrong, according to VT AVG also detects it as infected (Win32:Malware-gen).

That scan was two days old, a refresh give no avast/AVG detection

sorry, AVG say not infect yesterday and today … all ok !

Avast Free yesterday (today i try next time) delete this EXE …

but sorry why i put this file and folder in the section of avast that not scan it , avast when i re-actived

delete it ?

Is your avast program updated?

Does avast give a message, if so what does the message say? … best post a screenshot

If avast detect and you think it is wrong, then report it >> https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=14433.msg1289438#msg1289438

Also search FAQ >> https://support.avast.com/

I sendt the MD5 and virustotal link to F-Secure lab and this is what they say

Greetings, Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Our analysis indicates that the file you submitted is clean.

We have identified the issue as a False Positive, which will be resolved in an upcoming database update.

In the meantime, you may exclude this file from further scanning by the security product. You can do so using the following instructions:

SOLVED… now avast not delete it ! great :slight_smile: