Hi, I’m Flavian.
I downloaded the free version of Avast because I had a problem with a malware/trojan/virus that didn’t allow me to use registry editor and also didn’t allow me to enable it back, by any means. The virus affected all my drives and system files. BUT the programs I had instaled and all applications were working fine until Avast messed them all up and moved them in a so called “quarantine box” or whatever.
So I thought a Antivirus would fix the problem but the result was exactly the opposite. It moved or deleted all my files from both C: and D:
(windows being installed on C:) now I can’t run any program. It messed from the smallest programs like Winrar to the biggest applications I had installed. I don’t even know where to start from with the list of the personal information, applications, engines, programs, data, files avast destroyed. The only things it didn’t affect are the system folders, drivers and thank god the internet drivers, connections and browsers.
I googled the problem and it seems the interface of Avast should have a maintance/restore feature, but guess what? I can’t find it.
Avast didn’t even warn me of the action he will take if I quarantine the so called viruses/errors he found.
What I want to say is that the whole PC worked a lot better before Avast got his hands in to it. And you call that an anti virus?
The data that have been lost is worth a fortune taking in consideration the fact a lawyer and a programmer (me) work on this PC.
All my applications, programs and exe files have been messed up. I tried to get a free data restore software but it didn’t work as I expected.
So let me finish this quick, you should implement in avast a feature where it warns you how stupid the program actually is and how it will affect you stored data. The worm I had and guess what? Even after the clean up the worm is still present. So, the worm I had was just messing around with registry editor in a way you can’t enable it. But that was all. The worm DID NOT DELETE ALL MY FILES AND APPLICATIONS. AVAST DID.
At this point I’m so pissed of I don’t even want to think of what happened.
What I want is a perfect solution to this and I want it ASAP. I don’t even want to hear pathetic excuses like “Why you did not backup the data” or “Then it means all the data was corrupt” because the PC was working fine until Avast. Or “You posted in the wrong section” or “Contact out support center” stuff.
I was naive to think that there is any anti virus smart enough to clear that worm I have on the PC that not even total drive format and windows reinstall did not fix. Haha.
So that being said I want to fix the whole data on the PC the same it was before and I want it now, I don’t even care what you guys have to do.