Avast denies access to shared folders


I am reinstalling Win XP SP3 on a computer. After installation and updates from microsoft.com, I can share a folder over the network.
PC is visible from others of the same workgroup, share is visible, and accessible (I disabled “simple network sharing” and granted access both through the share tab in the property window and through NTFS user rights).

Just after this I install the last avast free edition and reboot.

From then on the shared network cannot be accessed. PC and shares are visible on the network, but a net use command terminates with error 1130 (not enough memory on the server, which according to MS FAQs is indeed a right grant problem). If I disable all protection from Avast, the network share remains unaccessible. I also tried to disable the windows firewall, with avast active or inactive, it does not change the result, the share remains unaccessible. But if I uninstall Avast, the network share is accessible again.

I have two other computers protected by avast, installed some months ago, and they can share folders other the network without problems.

Any idea ?

Local security policy does seem to have changed after Avast installation, access rights also…

Thanks for help… I would be very unhappy to have to look for another protection system.

avast doesn’t deny access to anything, it isn’t built into the functionality, it scans and alerts to infection, but it doesn’t block. So if there is an ‘apparent’ blocking going on this is likely to be down to a conflict.

So removing one part of any conflict would resolve the conflict but not identify what ir responsible. As you say you have no problems on two other installations and it really should be the same on the one with the problem.

avast doesn’t modify security policy. The only access rights that might possibly be effected would be the avast4 folder protecting its own files from deletion/modification, but no other. I don’t know if it even needs to modify access rights to do this anyway.

If I disable all protection from Avast, the network share remains unaccessible.

This basically confirms avast isn’t in the problem. I don’t use a network, but I can’t understand why you would need disable simple network sharing, surely that would block access to network shares ???

All I can suggest is that you:

  1. check the network settings and policy, etc. on the systems and see if there are any differences.
  2. try the Network Setup Wizard or XP’s Help and Support files.
  3. check some the hits on this google search, http://www.google.com/search?q=shared+network+cannot+be+accessed.

I agree avast should not be the problem, it is not on my two other computers. However, the problem appears after avast installation, disppears with avast uninstall.

I did, before posting here. Tried all the solutions proposed without success (verify subnet mask on all computers, change mregistry settings in HKLM.…\LanmanServer\Parameters). I also tried the network wizard, without success too. Will try tomorrow to revert to simple sharing to see if it changes something and I will post the result.

Have a good night, thanks for answering.

No problem, sorry my knowledge of networks is inadequate.

Welcome to the forums.

I’m having the same problem and am thinking it’s definitely related to Avast. I have a WinXP computer at home with a shared printer, also have a Linux server w/ a Samba fileshare. On my laptop, when Avast is installed, I can access neither. If I uninstall Avast, I can get to both no problems. I’ve replicated this on other machines as well, install Avast, no shares can be accessed.

I have only ZoneAlarm running which is configured to allow access to the ip’s on both of the machines with shares. Without Avast…everything works fine.


Have you try to ping IP for another clients or gateway?
We were used avast, and so far there was not an issues related with your problem.

Yanto Chiang

I just encountered this same problem, I’m running Avast on WinXP SP3 with Windows Firewall. I had shared folders setup previously and a work group, working fine. Installed Avast, rebooted and couldn’t access my work group any longer. Kept getting a password request on the shared folders and the work group itself was inaccessible.

I was able to fix this, by running the networking wizard. My work group name had been reset to the win default. Yes, when you only make a single system change and things stop working after that, then the change caused the problem.

This looks like a great AV tool besides this minor hiccup.

Using clean XPSP2 home edition & Windows firewall on 28 Dec, I lost this host’s printer and folder shares to my local subnet when I installed avast Pro build Sept 2009 (4.8.1368). Symptoms were exactly like yours. I couldn’t even “Map network drive” on the sharing host itself — “not enough memory”.

I spent one whole night checking config and Services [nothing had changed], even did a re-image and restore. Nothing visible changed in any Windows config. Finally, on my Windows Network Connection’s Properties sheet, I selected the item “File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks”, then clicked “Uninstall”. After reboot, I went back to the same Property sheet, clicked “Install”, then chose “Service” as the type of network component to install, clicked “Add…”, then chose Microsoft and “File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks”, then clicked “OK”. THAT FIXED IT.

This is sure looks like an avast! bug. I really like the product, but won’t buy unless I see some acknowledgment.

Welcome oldgoat

Windows XP Service Pack 3 has been available for over a year and provides many Critical Updates plus performance improvements.

You need to start Internet Explorer then go to Tools then Windows Update and download all of the available updates.

Go to Control Panel then Automatic Updates then select Automatic (recommended) or at least Notify me but don’t automatically download or install them.

Go to Secunia Online Software Inspector then run it to see what other applications are vulnerable: