Avast detect virus but can't find it to delete

Hello!! Can some one teel me why Avast detect virus and after that,he tells me that can’t find it to delete???
for where the virus goes’? ???

Please, virus name, file name and path…
Could be a temporary file, file could be in use…
Maybe you need to schedule a boot time scanning.

A bit difficult when you don’t give us any information about the detection.

e.g. File name, Location and Malware Name ?

It may also depend if you have made any changes to the scan settings ?
You don’t say what type of scan it was that you were doing ?

It happened when you installing or downloading/updating stuff?

It may happen in that kind of scenario coz they temporarily extract files to somewhere (like Temp folder) while installing or downloading and vanishes after the process completed or abandoned. But when avast intrude it by detecting a threat, that process may abandoned, so just after that, file may vanish. avast! 1st detect threat and try removing. if it vanishes just after detection then avast would unable to delete coz file vanished. May be that’s why it happened to you.

But you can view detected threat with location. Just try this.

  1. Go to avast! UI > Realtime Shields > File System Shield
  2. There you will see “shield log” link. Click on it and it will show detected threats so far.

if the location likely Temp or somewhat temporary directory, my description will be valid for your scenario.


If it was the WebShield that blocked a malicious thing, then there is nothing to find because the virus never made it to the HD. ;D

Ya it depends on the scenario that user was engaged with @ that time.


Juannes, c’mon, any more info? :slight_smile:

I bet not… typical OTP (one time poster) ;D

And we’re losing time with him… :stuck_out_tongue: Bah…!

Lets give a little benefit of the doubt here, it was late last night in Europe when this first post came in. We don’t know the users work routine, etc. so lets give it some more time.

I don’t feel my contribution/time wasted, who knows the OP may well be back and others may well benefit from the information/questions asked if they use the forums search feature.

+1 :slight_smile:

Maybe the OP will wake up today. ::slight_smile:

hey so many post…
it happen sometimes downloadind torrents with uTorrente… its life…
the log said: Win32:malware-gen
I set a boot verification and erased it…

Thanks for help anyway…

I have a different hourly time. i couldn’t have more early answered.

I guess it was detected by the network shield then? or P2P shield?

P2P shield