avast detecta minha url como maliciosa

nao sei como isso pode acontecer uma empresa aceita uma denuncia assim sem ao menos saber

minha url vem sendo acusada de url mal

porem meu site nao tem nada de virus
e ja enviei 2 emails pra avast e nada de soluçao se alguem puder me ajudar e dar uma resposta concreta to no aguardo pq senao Avast vai ter que provar na justiça que minha url eh maliciosa e que contem virus 24hs

I do not know how this can happen a company accepts a complaint like that without even knowing

My url is being accused of bad url

however my site has nothing to virus
and already sent 2 emails to avast and no solution if someone can help me and give a concrete answer to awaiting pq Senao Avast will have to prove in court that my url eh malicious virus and containing 24hs

What is the URL could you break it to hxxp… so that it is not inadvertently clicked on


ta mudei e a soluçao alguem pode me ajudar ?

minha url é limpa meu site não contem virus nenhum

coloquei em outra hospedagem e dominio e esta normal hxxp://www.mdvhost.com.br

Please ‘modify’ your post change the URL from http (as in the quote above), to break the link and avoid accidental exposure to suspect sites, thanks.

OK done some more checking on the site:
I don’t see anything specific on sucuri.net or urlquery.net. or urlvoid.com But there are other domains associated with that IP address and they are/have been infected. So it is possibly that this is an IP block rather than a specific domain name block.

here is an on-line contact form, http://www.avast.com/contact-form.php?loadStyles for: * Sales inquiries; Technical issues; Website issues; Report false virus alert in file; Report false virus alert on website; Undetected Malware; Press (Media), issues.

  • If you are reporting an FP, then you get another input field open, enter the web URL for the site you wish to submit for Network Shield review, etc. A link to this topic also wouldn’t hurt.

Thanks DavidR mas acho que avast devia analisar melhor antes de sair acusando url como maliciosa prestar mais atençao e averiguar melhor uma denuncia que cuja ja ate sei de onde veio

You’re welcome.