avast detected 6500 file infected

I recently downloaded the free version avast on to my laptop, OS windows xp professional. There was so many the virus chest could not cope. So stupidly I deleted over 1000 infected files. Now I cannot access my laptop "it states that it is loading personal settings then quickly reverts to to log off. Is there anything I can do to reinstate the deleted files. Windows XP will not even operate in safe mode. Any help would be much appreciated.

Thank you

So, what do you want to know, after you deleted 1000+ files…??
Do you have any backup…?? System restore…??

If you have your XP Pro install CD, and your computer is configured to boot from the CD (often the case) you could try booting from that and carry out a repair install of Windows. I don’t see another course of action, with so many files deleted.

This makes me wonder what caused all these detections.
It has to be something like a rogue Avast download, or conflicting security program that was not removed before installing Avast, or, most likely, a serious infection, such as Vitro/Virut.

Was the computer exhibiting symptoms of an infection before you installed Avast? Files not opening/error messages/start menu etc not accessable? If that was the case, and it is an infector like Vitro, it would probably be easier to format the disk and install the OS afresh.

What AV were you using before Avast?

Tarq57 and Asyn

Thank you for your replies

The laptop was given to me in lieu of payment for work I had completed. I used it to store photographs from my digital camera for 5 years. Stupidly I then let several guests use it to access the internet while they were staying in our guest house a mistake I know.

I then decided to transfer the many pictures using a 2gb memory stick from the laptop to a desk top. The anti virus on the desk top is a free version of avast. Each time I downloaded from the memory stick on to the desk top a warning of a virus on the stick was indicated.

So I decided to install a free version of avast from cnetdownload.com on to the lap top. I then scanned the laptop and 6500 infected files were found like a fool I deleted over a 1000 of them. I have tried to restore the XP using the safe mode all I end up with is a blank screen. If I try to log on as normal it states “that it is loading my settings” it then quickly reverts to the logging off procedure states "that it is saving my settings and then reverts to the logging on process and then back to saving my settings it just keeps repeating itself. I hope this script makes sense.

The desk top I have also operates on XP professional. Again any advice help would be much appreciated.



It does sound like a file infector at work.

Just to confirm: The desktop is alright? It is only the laptop that has become unbootable?

You could try a rescue disk on the laptop, it is possible it may do the job.
Try Dr Web or Avira rescue cd’s. The instructions are available on the pages linked above. You would need a clean computer with a cd burner to download and burn them.

I have no experience in actually using these, so can offer no further advice, nor a guess at how effective it will be, but it’s worth a try, and if I wanted the photos back it’s probably what I’d have a go at. But you may have to be prepared to loose them.
Was the laptop protected at all by any AV when your guests were using it?

I do recommend AutorunEater to protect a computer from loading malware via an infected USB (flash) drive, it’s an application that installs and then detects any malicious autorun process attempting to load. Many good reviews.

The flash drive you used between the laptop and your desktop should be considered as infected. Assuming the desktop appears OK, I would also run at least a quick scan on it with MBAM, a very effective anti malware scanner and cleaner. There is a free version on the page linked; all it lacks over the paid version is resident protection. Very good for a “second opinion”.

Hi Tarq57

Thank you for your help and advice.

Yes the desk top is virus free the operating system is Windows XP professional.

I have an unused flashdrive I presume I can use that to download Dr Web or Avira. The desktop is clean and has a CD burner may be that is a better option.

I can also obtain a XP professional CD with SP1 I presume I can reinstall this and hopfully the laptop will return to normal.

The AV installed on the laptop was a very old version of Norton which had not been updated.



If you want to attempt to run the Avira or DrWeb boot/rescue CD, go to one of the sites listed and follow the directions, basically you’ll be downloading a fairly large file and burning it as an .iso image to a CD on the good computer (or as directed on the relevant website), then booting the laptop with that cd in it. You won’t be able to run this from a flash drive, only a cd.

If you have to re-load the OS, because the rescue cd was unable to clean it, you’d have to format the hard drive (taking the infections and all your files with it) then re-install from the installation media. Then there’d be quite a lot of MS updates to perform.

A way of speeding the update process would be to download the full installer for SP3, maybe putting that on a flash drive, then installing to the laptop after re-installing the OS.

I hope one of these suggestions works (especially the rescue disk).
If the rescue disk actually works, you would possibly still have a bit of a cleanup to do. Post back and let us know.


Once again thank you very much for the advice.

I will burn the two rescue CD’s from my desktop and then see if I have to re install XP OS.

I have to go down south for a funeral today but will endeavour to clean up laptop on Thursday or Friday. Will let you know how I got on.



You’re welcome. Hope it (they) work.
One is usually enough, if it’s going to work, but no harm running them sequentially (I guess.)
I’d run the one with the easiest/ most thorough directions first.

Hi Tarq 57

Just thought I would let you know how I got on. I purchased a windows XP repair CD off Ebay for very little money. This enabled me to transfer all my pictures and documents on to a memory stick. I then re -installed Windows XP the laptop is now working correctly and the virus or viruses have also been erased.

Once again many thanks for the advice.



Glad you’ve sorted it.

I suggest AutorunEater to block malicious or suspicious files attempting to run from another drive (such as a flash drive), and the PSI by Secunia, for monitoring of software vulnerablilities. This compares what you have installed against a very large database, and if your version is out of date, or has a vulnerability reported, alerts you.

[edit] PS, thanks very much for posting back a progress report. I guess you weren’t inclined to try the rescue CD’s? (Fair enough.)