Avast! detected the following program...

I have jsut installed Kaspersky Anti Hacker and now Avast says when my computer boots up each time that the following program is running: Kaspersky Antivirus.

The on access scanner module of this program and the on-access scanner of avast CANNOT be accessed at the same time.

As a result, the Avast! main access scanner - Standard Shield, P2P shield, and Instant Messaging Shield - were disabled.

I was just wondering why it would say this being its Kaspersky Anti-Hacker I have installed, not Antivirus.
Does anyone know anything about this and if there is no fix for this is there any way of not having this screen come up everytime I boot my computer then?
Appreciate any help in this, Thanks

The problem is that AntiHacker uses the same driver as Antivirus (at least the name of the driver is the same), so avast! cannot really distinguish between them. :frowning:

That is good from avast side. Becouse kaspersky was not able/could to show any messages about that you have other antivirus installed and that it can be some conflicts.

Ok I was kinda wondering if something like that. I really like the Avast! protection so would rather use it and find a compatible firewall. :frowning:
Thanks for the reply

If you want a suggestion: Kerio, ZoneAlarm and Outpost, free versions 8)

Sygate works also very well with Avast :stuck_out_tongue:
It is my firewall of choice.
Kerio 2.1.5 was nice but I came back with SPF :slight_smile:

I agree I have sygate also was using previously but was having loopback problems with my isp for some reason using a D-link router.
Other than that I was very happy with it.
Thanks for the replys!!!

I think the loopback issue was more to do with Sygate than your router as this is a known flaw in sygate as it doesn’t detect the program using a local proxy loopback, rather the local proxy program.

To combat this it is essential not to use the transparent features of web shield, but manually set your browser to use the local proxy any other programs will not use it by default and as such will be inspected correctly by Sygate.

For IE - broadband users: - Tutorial - Web Shield Proxy Set-up for IE
For IE - dialup users - Tutorial - Web Shield Proxy Set-up for IE (Dial-up)
For Firefox users - Tutorial - Web Shield Proxy Set-up for Firefox

well thanks so much for that info. Didnt want to get into another topic here with sygate but thanks. Will give it a go again. Anyway I uninstalled the kaspersky and all is well again.

No problem, welcome to the forums.

Please, can you share your knowleage about Kaspersky?
Is there any option to use just the on-demand scanning (non-resident) of it with avast! installed?

As I know Kaspersky and some other of AV’s do not unload r-time scanner even if this is disabled. Scanner continuing to scan as usualy but all actions will be ignored.

//I can be also wrong but. Results that I got from other AV’s was of that kind.

I finally got time here and installed sygate personal firewall pro and it works great so far with the avast.
Jsut thought I would let everyone know.