Avast detection....

Why doesn’t Avast as a matter of fact many antivirus not detect viruses in setups and zip files till they are executed???

Archive (zip, etc.) files are by their nature are inert, you need to extract the files and then you have to run them to be a threat. Long before that happens avast’s Standard Shield should have scanned them and before an executable is run that is scanned.

It is also dependant on what the sensitivity of Standard Shield and its settings, a compromise between performance and protection. Also what provider is scanning makes a difference, e.g. Web Shield scans the contents of zip files when they are being downloaded to your browser cache. The ashQuick.exe context scanner provides comprehensive scanning including a large range of packers, this can also be used in conjunction with a download manager or your browsers download function (Firefox).

I suggest a browse of the avast help file and the sticky topics at the top of each of the forums. They provide a wealth of information to help you get the best from avast.

You might want to change your avatar for another, resize or use this one. We try to keep avatars around 100 X 100 for those who don’t have high resolution monitors.

Thanks again David…
Just by curiosity, Are you a security expert or you are just a computer buff doing it as a favorite hobby.

I’m just and avast user like you and I want to see other avast users get the best out of it. But, I’ve always had an interest in computers.