Avast detects JS:Clickjack-AK[Trj] here, we are being protected...

Where: hxtp://yourjavascript.com/4505214385/fb.js where we find Cloudflare Abuse!
Warnings on the code

Warning: Unescaped & Which Should Be Written As & (At line 1, column 129)
Warning: Unescaped & Or Unknown Entity "&window.addEventListener" (At line 1, column 130)
Missing <!DOCTYPE> Declaration (At line 1, column 130)
Plain Text Isn't Allowed In <head> Elements (At line 1, column 130)
<iframe> Escaping Malformed URI Reference (At line 1, column 332)
Unknown Attribute "allowtransparency" (At line 1, column 332)
Warning: Unescaped & Which Should Be Written As &amp; (At line 2, column 35)
Warning: Unescaped & Or Unknown Entity "&typeof" (At line 2, column 36)
Warning: Unescaped & Which Should Be Written As &amp; (At line 2, column 83)
Warning: Unescaped & Or Unknown Entity "&d.documentElement.clientWidth" (At line 2, column 84)
Warning: Unescaped & Which Should Be Written As &amp; (At line 3, column 35)
Warning: Unescaped & Or Unknown Entity "&typeof" (At line 3, column 36)
Inserting Missing 'title' Element (At line 17, column 112)

Site blacklisted and iFrame detected:

Website is full of malcode like hxtp://yourjavascript.com/71316954153/megaconecrew.js
See: -http://www.domxssscanner.com/scan?url=http%3A%2F%2Fyourjavascript.com%2F71316954153%2Fmegaconecrew.js
