Avast detects Secure connection tells me disable SSL/TLS in Vuze mail client ?

When running Vuze I occasionally get a message

[i]"Avast! has detected a secure connection from your mail program (process Azureus.exe) to the IMAP server (sentex.ca)

This type of connection cannot be checked for viruses.

Please disable SSL/TLS in your mail client so that the Mail Scanner can scan your mail.

The Mail Scanner will provide the SSL/TLS security itself."[/i]

I have had some success in reducing these messages by going into Vuze’s Tools/ Options/ Transfer/ Ignore peers with these data ports and entering 0;25;110;137

But although this action reduced the number of messages significantly (No message for over three months) I did get a message this morning.

I am considering adding the following ports to my list 143;587;993;995;465

I would like to know which ports Avast monitor to trigger these messages then I can enter these port numbers into Vuze and block all of the ports that trigger Avast’s warning of a secure connection.

Thunder Bird.

Well you have other email ports to exclude when Vuze is communicating or actually downloading.

Port 137 isn’t an email port (UDP NetBIOS).

25, 110, 119, 143, are the standard email ports, these are certainly needed. But I believe you should also add the secure email ports 587;993;995;465 as it certainly won’t hurt. This will ensure no attempt by avast to redirect what is a secure email port (causing this type of notice) and an effective failure as avast would be expecting the corresponding email Protocol and not P2P.