Avast dev team stop destroying avast !


K guys this is bad now. Avast started ruining my photoshop 2 years ago and crashing it all the time. Took me ages to fix it. Now after latest updates 50% of my cgi programs are flagged malware/suspicious and crashing !

Please stop doing whatever u do to make it better and maybe give us a bit of break or I will need to change antivirus software :frowning:

Sounds like you do not like the autosandbox?>>https://blog.avast.com/2012/03/20/autosandbox-why-are-you-annoying-me/

I suggest that you set the AutoSandbox to Ask Mode, this would at least give the option to allow it to run normally and remember the answer for this program (assuming that you know it is clean).

So it shouldn’t take long for the cgi applications you use being unmolested, this might also filter back into the avast community in the form of anonymous data on your decision for this file, builds up its FileRep so may well help other avast users.

Thanks will see what I can do about it.

As a side note I suggest auto adding all photoshop processes and its temp file to exclude list. Everytime u save in photoshop I get PS crash by excluding it from avast I fixed my PS issue awhile ago. I also posted about it in past here on forum…