Avast & Device Encryption

Hi all!

I am thinking about encrypting my Nexus 4, and currently have Avast Mobile Security & Antivirus running.

1.Does encryption affect the performance of Avast on Android devices (ie) all of the scanning functions will perform to the same effectiveness after I go through the encryption process)?

  1. Has anyone experienced slower performance or battery life drain due to encryption? I heard its almost negligible with the Nexus 4.


1/ AFAIK no, there is cryptmount used for userspace, so Avast! is scanning files only, no decryption is needed; but off course files shield could drain the battery when new files are encrypted via system and scanned in the same time.
2/ Yes, encryption is battery consuming operation, but is done once for all mounts and (if set) decrypt is used after restart. Some of the battery issues are solved in last android update.

Thank you for the reply.

Just to confirm your answer for point 1) - avast! scanning and other operations should work fine with encryption then?

So it’s okay to have device encryption on a rooted Samsung Galaxy Note 2 using avast! Mobile Security?

I think it’s NOT a good idea a third thread asking for this…
My opinion: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=103424.msg982388#msg982388