Avast did not allow mail to blueyonder??

Hi Guys
for some two weeks I suddenly found that I could not send or receive mail to/from blueyonder addresses. Mail to all other addresses continued to operate 100% - with no problems. I tried everything I could think of - but had no success. Both my two wired PC’s and wireless Laptop all played up at the same time.

On one of my machines, I decided to trial an alternative to Avast purely out of sheer curiosity. To my surprise/delight, I then found that mail communication to/from blueyonder was now working ???
This to me seemed ridiculous - how could any AV be selective? - but I went ahead and changed the other 2 machines, and all now work as they should. I can only conclude that the avast email scanners are a little sensitive?
I would mention that all my equipment was set to scan incoming mail messages only - and never once did I receive any delivery error notices. I have used Avast for some considerable time with absolutely no problem whatsoever. I would be interested to learn of your thoughts and comments etc.
You should be aware that this started well before the latest superantispyware ‘cock up’ that effected Avast.

was there any error message?

If you read my original post again -

you will clearly see, “and never once did I receive any delivery error notices.”

Surprised! - it seems that no one has ever had this problem?
Still interested in receiving you thoughts and comments :slight_smile: