Avast! did not detect this worm
download worm
Avast! did not detect this worm
download worm
There is no malware scanner that can detect all malware.
That is why.
Submit the file to virus@avast.com and mention in the mail that it is heur malware.
A (backdoor) trojan.
And please never ever post a link to a (suspected) infected file on this webboard!
Another reason is that evry sample comming out from that URL have a new MD5…
Igore the comment that they do not detect all malware, It’s a poor excuse. The reality is that Avast! and other AV’s don’t detect the same virus nor are they named the same. It is always wise to have Avast! and Malwarebytes to offer yourself extra protection!
Igore the comment that they do not detect all malware, It's a poor excuse.Something like 50 000 new malware code is found every day :o To find and detect it all is Mission Impossible
Like I said it’s a poor excuse! Avast! and other AV’s offer protection from it. Perhaps the next Avast! update should have a disclaimer notice saying “Avast! Can not detect all malware, Use at your own risk!”
you have to find the malware first, then you can detect it…and maybe cure it
if you do not know it exist, then it is difficult to detect
Thats why antivirus software have researchers to look for viruses and malware in the wild. I have gret respect for Avast and have used it since 2005. I hate the exuses given. I really suggest that Avast! in the future offer a way to submit files that may be considered a virus for inspection.
It isn’t an excuse but a fact of life.
No single application will give 100% detection.
As an example - I am cleaning someone who has AVG. I am trying to remove DMW, Conhost etc. and AVG blocked OTL from deleting those known malware files - go figure
If this excuse is poor, what qualifies as a good one?
You want Avast! to be 100% super-happy-honest with its marketing, but this is the age of Puffery, and if you want to excel as a company, you need to be on-board with this idea or gtfo.
90% of users who saw a statement like “This AV Can Not Detect All Virus, Use At Your Own Risk”, would run to whatever AV told them what they want to hear, i.e. “You are safe now, we will protect you”
So your problem is not just with Avast! it seems, but the whole state of online security in general? Well, you are not alone there
Avast! has an established email (virus@avast.com) for submissions, were you not aware of it?
Overall detection rate for this malware is still low:
Only NORMAN detects it,
now is good
That is det downloaded file, what Polonus posted is detecting the URL (html)