Avast didn't detect amalware.

Hello Every body,

I was attacked by the Cryptoiwall malware and Avast dind’t protect me.
I would like to know why and also if this pest should be detected from now?
Has Somebody an idea?

Best regards

There is no perfect AV. The virus always comes first and detection and/or prevention always lags behind.
It makes no difference who’s product you use. If you’ve stumbled upon a new or new variant of this malware, you’ll become infected.
Pass this variant on to the virus lab to help protect others.
Follow the instruction from here: https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=53253.0 to get some help.

How to submit a sample :

Thank you All. I supressed the malware with MalwareBytes Anti-malware. This one pretend to be pro-active. I’ll see. REgards.

Still in |Beta but no apparent affect on my windows operation https://blog.malwarebytes.org/news/2016/01/introducing-the-malwarebytes-anti-ransomware-beta/

I also have been testing this beta and should NOTE> This is a ‘true’ beta with many false positives and bugs still apparent. Not sure I’d recommend to anyone who is not familiar with beta issues and possible OS problems. :slight_smile:


Or, you can use WinAntiRansom PLUS from the developer of WinPatrol. I purchased a lifetime license (use on up to 5 computers) and after the last update it has been running great on W10 x64. Right now there is a deal for 20% off until February 29. It’s a great deal and Bret, the developer, squashes bugs quickly.


Link to the forum if you have any questions.

See attachment.

Since a few days, I use Ransomware beta. At this moment No trouble with Windows .

I have been using CryptoPrevent https://www.foolishit.com/cryptoprevent-malware-prevention/?ModPagespeed=noscript
…but I’m watching MB Anti-Ransome as it progresses…not a fan of “beta” software.

I use MBAM now with Avast and also run MBAE…all play well and do not bog down PCs.
I’m hoping MBAM integrates MBAE & MB Anti-Ransome at some point (they stated they would) but I do like they have these separate and light.
Thus, you can keep your baseline protection that is solid why you decide/eval new “layers” of protection software.
Frankly, I wish Avast would do the same thing instead of borking down a great A/V with bloatware that forces users to basically opt-out and not try.
I like MalwareBytes marketing scheme MUCH better than Avast…who seems to be more like the Symantec philosophy/angle of “push-ware”.
Oh yeah, Avast CEO & Chief Strategy Officer came from Symantec. :slight_smile:

I also use CryptoPrevent on one system but have always supported the folks at MBAM.
I have no doubt that MARW will develop into an excellent added security feature to join MBAM and MBAE. :slight_smile:

Sorry, but I don’t understand what BORKING DOWN means. I’m not English speaking and Google translate don’t help. :frowning:

It means “load down” which isn’t the case.
The extra tools even if installed only use resources when used. Most of them are actually very beneficial. :slight_smile:

Sorry,[b] but I don't understand what BORKING DOWN means[/b]. I'm not English speaking and Google translate don't help.

one way to find out :wink: > http://lmgtfy.com/?q=what+does+BORKING+DOWN+mean

Ops!! >:(

When I gone to this link, Maxa (cookies manager) told me that a web bugs was deleted and the website was black listed.
Don’t like that.

Sometimes one needs to look at the results before posting - We do have kids on this forum. :slight_smile:

Yup, they can be a real treat: https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=182988.0

Bork (in my context) means = mess up your machine (ie. slow down considerably, blue screen, …or worse…create no boot scenario).
My point above was that MalwareBytes keeps these new utils separate to allow those who want to try and experiment with these utils the ability to do so without compromising the integrity of the main product (ie. MBAM).
My observation is that when Avast buys these small companies they just throw this stuff into their main product and the results can be very problematic.
Norton (actually Symantec when they bought them) did this and basically lost their customer base in the process…a once fantastic product reduced to a pig of a product.
I think Avast has a terrific A/V…these “other” products they include without ample testing tend to tarnish their name…not enhance it.
It is just my opinion…but a quick search in the Forum history backs my views of how problematic these “additions” have been.
I just applaud MB on how they approach the new items…just wish avast team would do the same is all I’m saying…just an obervation.