if you turn off self protection module (settings → troubleshooting → enable self protection (~3rd option from bottom), will it help?
can you please also send me (kurtin@avast.com) “selfdef.log” file from \programdata\avast software\avast\log folder?
Hi, I have the same issue regarding avast blocking task manager (windows 8 64bit). In my case, the selfdef log file is empty. Is there any fix other than disabling avast?
I have the same problem with Avast 8 and Task manager , but i just stop Monitor the system for unauthorized modifications in Behavior Shild settings, and that fix problem.
It is not just task manger this setting affects in windows 8 “open with” and standard windows 8 apps to they will not open. Monitor the system for unauthorized modifications options should be disabled by default for win 8 users or this option needs to be reworked for windows 8 clients disabling Monitor the system for unauthorized modifications does fix the problem with Task Manager and more.
The problem is definitely caused by avast! If you register C:\Windows\system32\taskmgr.exe as an exception in Behaviour Shield, the problem goes away and Task Manager works again.
But it can get worse! I have been in the situation where all I get after logon is a black screen, instead of the Start screen. I found that if I use Task Manager to start C:\Windows\explorer.exe, the screen comes back and it all works again! Again, the way to solve this problem is to specify explorer.exe as an exception in Behaviour Shield!
Note that it may be necessary to go into Services from Task Manager and stop the avast! service temporarily while you get things sorted out.
As I don’t know what other executables avast! may be taking exception to, I am abandoning it in favour of Norton.