I recently installed Avast, and on system start-up it says that Avast has detected that I am also running Norton Anti-Virus and that the on-access scanner modules cannot be running at the same time. Avast will then turn itself off.
What’s strange is that I don’t have Norton running, or at least I don’t think that I do. I had it installed on my computer at one time, but I have completely uninstalled it through the Windows “Add/Remove Programs”, I’ve even gone to the Norton website and downloaded their special removal tool, and run that. But it still says that I’m running Norton.
How does Avast detect that I’m running Norton? And if someone could give me some tips on how to remove the remaining Norton files on my computer, I would really appreciate it.
Norton is notorious for its remnants and avast has detected something.
It probably sees virtual device drivers, Legacy keys in the registry.
A link worth looking at, which is a program removal tool that can remove the remnants of a number of different Norton Programs: Removing your Norton program using SymNRT
Thank you everyone for your help. I ran the program from the previous post and now everything seems to be working fine.
One follow-up question: When I move the cursor over the Avast symbol in the system tray it says “7 providers total, 6 running”. Does that mean that there is something in Avast that is not running, or do I have some other program that it’s picking up? (It doesn’t seem to be affecting anything, but as you can tell, I’m a novice at this) Thanks again.
The Outlook/Exchange provider is only required if you are using MS Outlook (not express) or MS Exchange email clients.
There may be other providers that are enabled that aren’t required, if you don’t use Instant Messaging, or P2P applications, those two could be terminated. Absolutely essential (IMHO), Standard Shield, Network Shield, Web Shield, Internet Mail any others are dependent on using the applications.