Avast Disabling Task Scheduler Tasks -- Windows 10

Title says it all. Almost daily all my task scheduler tasks are being disable. For reasons I won’t get into in this post, I have a bad habit of losing track of time and often miss the start of my Zoom meetings for university. To resolve this, I have tasks set up to launch Zoom with the appropriate meeting ID and password as launch arguments to launch Zoom into my regular meetings. Having my computer launch the meeting automatically a couple of minutes early, interrupting what I’m doing, helps me not miss a meeting in a way an alarm or other alterative can’t. In other words, this is very important feature of Windows for me. I paid for Avast Premium so I don’t want to lose that. This is a long way of saying solutions like “Pick one or the other” won’t cut it for me. Now onto the details.

After hours of searching, almost every source on this issue blamed Avast’s Game/DnD Mode. Although some claimed that this issue had been resolved in a previous update to Avast, there were several users mentioning that they still deal with this issue, and I think that I am amongst them. In an attempt to repair the issue, I uninstalled all performance tools from my Avast suite, but it was to no avail. My tasks continue to get disabled. As far as I remember, this task scheduler issue didn’t start until around the time I installed Avast (Earlier this year when my subscription to Norton ran out). I tried running tasks as admin, and if I recall correctly they weren’t being disabled, but I was having issues with the tasks themselves when they would run with administrator privileges. Is anyone else having or has had this issue and found a way to resolve it? Am I better off modifying the tasks to work with adminstrator privileges than trying to solve the issue through Avast? Here are some technical details about my computer:

OS: Windows 10 Education 1909
CPU Architecture: AMD (Ryzen)
Anitvirus software: Avast only

Thanks in advance for any responses. If you need more technical details about my machine’s state let me know and I will do my best to provide. Thanks!

Hi, see: https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=249063.0

In this thread the only solution I found was disabling Game mode/DND, which unfortunately I already tried to no avail.

  • Which version/build of Avast Premium…?
  • OS…? (32/64 Bit…? - which SP/Build…?)
  • Other security related software installed…?