avast distructing my WinAmp sound

Where can I get to the solve of my peoblem…
When I start the some application or recieving IM messages I heve a trouble with hearing sound in WinAmp 5.08… Was all clear before I start to use the avast 4 Home…

Hi spair2k,

Never noticed a problems with avast and my Winamp 5.08d before.

So some questions:

Are you using the latest version of winamp? (5.08d)
Are you using the lasted version of avast? (4.6.623)
What is your RAM situation like?
Is your computer clean of Malware?


Is the sound stuttering? If so, perhaps it’s because your computer does not have hardware based sound (i.e. like a Soundblaster card) but rather just a codec like AC97 (software)–and with Avast running, it may be requiring more system resources–so your sound ends up stuttering. You could try Windows Media Player and see if the problem occurs there too…