Avast simply refuses to update recently. It keeps telling me the package is broken.
I have uninstalled and reinstalled the program twice and it keeps frustrating me now.
Avast simply refuses to update recently. It keeps telling me the package is broken.
I have uninstalled and reinstalled the program twice and it keeps frustrating me now.
What is your current version?
Version 4.1
It keeps telling me the package is broken.
I have updated manually but of course I would prefer it to do it automatically
What is the build of the version? (4.1.xxx)
Did you set correctly the way you connect to the Internet (dial-up or DSL) into the avast connection (Basic) tab?
I have also had problems with automatic updates. It connects to the server and goes up to 100% and freezes. I have set the connection to Manual with no proxy (direct connection to internet) and I have tries manual updates and i still will not work. I am running Windowz ME Pentium III 667 512meg of mem. I have tried the uninstaller , manually removed entries from the registry and reinstalled and it still will not work.
Any suggestion? I have also uninstalled and reinstalled TCP/IP and others but this will still not work. Im thinking that there is some kind of trojan on my system which blocks the connection some how. I have had browser hijacks that prevented me from gaining access to TrendMicros website here in the US and had to use thier online scanner in the UK. Which detected no viruses.
A little help here.
Also other programs that connect to certian servers for updates will not such as SETI@home I get an error Server not found which happens frequentlt whit Avast also.
I have a similar problem : avast doesn’t update either automatically or manually. Avast download the file “servers.def.stamp” at 100 % on first gauge bar at 0% on the second gauge bar and freeze.
My configuration : Win 98 SE, Zone Alarm 5.0.590.043, avast 4.1.418, VPS 0426-0 (June, 22, 2004).
Please note that I have update Zone Alarm on june, 23, 2004, maybe there’s a compatibily problem ? I tried to reconfigure the firewall to accept the connexion from avast but nothing has changed. I didn’t uninstall and reinstall avast : I suppose it won’t change anything.
Do you have any idee about the problem ? Thanks.
Try re-installing an older version of ZoneAlarm. There have been some problems with the latest versions.
The build is version 4.1 Build April2004 4.1.396.
My internet settings are correct - it used to update OK but now it simply does not.
I have also received the error code on a number of occasions that the server is down. It tells me Last encountered error: Server www.iavs.cz (unknown:80) is down.
It starts downloading the updates and goes to about 30% or so and then comes up with the red screen that tells me something went wrong.
It is so frustrating!!!
Since the update starts and stops at 30%, then I would suspect a lost connection through the ISP.
Can you switch to a different connection number (if dialup) or are you using DSL?
The server down error indicates lost connection to the Avast server thats all.
How many times does this happen?
Does the manual update still work propertly?
Let me know.
Could you download the last full setup file (4.1.418), click and choose ‘Update’.
After that, boot and try to update on-line again.
For us is difficult to ‘solve’ or ‘suggest solutions’ of problems with ‘old’ versions.
Maybe the problem was already solved in new version.
Some ZA users (latest version) are experiencing trouble to update
Thank you for quick answer.
I tried to follow your advice but it dosn’t work.
I think that the problem concerns avast rather than Zone Alarm, but I’m not sure.
It will be a great help if Alwil could developp a real-time monitor window of the update process. It is very difficult to diagnose a problem : the software says nothing, we don’t know if the process is currently working, if there is some problem, and so on.
Have you an idea to solve the problem ? Thanks you in advance.
I think there is quite a comprehensive log of avast! setup…
Of course, I looked the log by the Journal visualizer and directly under the data\log directory of avast and… the last trace date is yesterday evening. I made both an automatic and manuel update this morning. That’s why I precised “a real-time monitoring” would be very useful.
Do you have any idea of what the problem is ?
I have no problems updating both automatically and manual.
But, I’m not using ZA. I used to but changed to Outpost when the 5.0 version of ZA came out and totally messed me up.
Since I have the pro version and still have almost 2 yrs left on it, I’m just waiting for them to get theire act together and fix the incompatability problem…
Igor, right now, don’t let us alone…
What is the problem? :
I’m afraid that’s rather a question for Kubec…
What’s the last part of the data\log\setup.log file (after the update fails)?