Avast does not work and cannot uninstall

I received this message when trying to uninstall Avast 6

Error reading product data from C:\Program Files\Avast Software\Avast\setup\part-setup_ais-557.vpx.setup cannot continue

I can not restore my computer to an earlier time either, because it tells me that an anti virus program is preventing it.

Avast is telling me to fix the software…but it won’t let me fix it.


If you cannot uninstall avast download this uninstall tool and boot into safe mode than run the uninstaller tool http://www.avast.com/uninstall-utility

am interested to know if they are actually acknowledging that so many many people are getting avast 6 NOT WORKING and not uninstalling, and some possible issues , serious ones, occurring due to it.

Where be these masses you speak of?

womble, I suggest an installation from scratch:

  1. Download the latest version of avast! Uninstall Utility and save it.
  2. Download the latest avast! version and save it.
  3. (Optional) If you want, save your avast! settings for later restoration (Settings > Maintenance > Back up).
  4. Uninstall avast from Control Panel (if possible). If, for any reason, you can’t run it, try booting in Safe Mode and doing it from there. Anyway, boot after that.
  5. Run the avast! Uninstall Utility saved on 1 in Safe Mode. Boot after you’ve run it. Repeat this for any major avast! version you have ever installed/upgraded in your computer.
  6. Install avast! using the setup saved on 2. Boot.
  7. Register your free copy or add the license key for Pro. Or even upgrade your key from old versions.
  8. Check and post the results. If, for any reason, you did not solve, try doing the step 3 in Safe Mode anyway.

I too have big problems, cannot uninstall Avast it will not update, cannot intall over it either, cannot disable self protection either every time I uncheck it and click ok it rechecks itself (win xp pro sp3) the utilty does not work for me because of this. I cannot go into safe mode on this machine. I cant do system restore… any ideas?

Try getting into safe mode via msconfig>>http://netsecurity.about.com/cs/windowsxp/qt/aaqt_safemode.htm (page down once for the info I am speaking of)

If you can not go into safe mode through F8, take a look at this :


Will this work for Win XP as well?

Yes, there might be slight differences in the appearance of msconfig but is virtually the same from memory, haven’t used xp in quite a while :wink:
I believe the link Gargamel360 posted is specifically for xp but iroc9555’s link give an easy to understand picture

Thanks Craigb for backing me up. Mayor thunderstorm. Have to log off.

@ Kilia

Great tutorial for all Windows pictures and everything:


Good luck.

Thank you all for the links. Much appreciated. :slight_smile:

You are most welcome. Hope you get into safe mode. Remember to revert to normal mode afterwards.

Got it…

I installed the free version of Avast onto my computer today. It will not open nor will it uninstall. I have tried using the control panel to delete it and that did not work. I also tried the uninstall tool and that did not work either. Can someone PLEASE HELP me fix it!!

what antivirus did you have before avast?
did you uninstall it before installing avast?

I also tried the uninstall tool and that did not work either.
did you run it from safe mode ...as the instructions on website say ?

The antivirus was norton and no I didnt uninstall it first. After I did though I re-installed the avast and still nothing. I cannot download the uninstall tool that was provided. It gives me an error message

I cannot download the uninstall tool that was provided.
you mean this http://www.avast.com/uninstall-utility what error do you get?

you need to uninstall Norton and run Norton removal tool to be sure all leftover files that may conflict are gone
run and reboot http://singularlabs.com/uninstallers/security-software/

running multiple AV will make your computer slower / mysterious windows errors / false positive detections …etc etc

ummm… it says the avast self protection module is enabled. For this reason the operation cannot be completed.

when downloading ?..or when running?

do you run it from safe mode ?