Avast didn’t block this website i was redirected to called hxtp://crashie.com/ and my webbrowser crashed and then my computer crashed but it did not make dump file. this website is bad
I can’t Download anything to this computer its school computer. btw i just made this topic to get avast to block crash ie
Why would it block it, as its design/purpose is to crash IE, other than that it isn’t malicious.
The real problem is the site that redirected to crashie.com as that has either been hacked to redirect there, which doesn’t make a lot of sense. Typically hacked sites direct you to sites to download malware, drive by downloads.
So the real question is what site were you on when it redirected you there and what was their purpose in doing so.
Would depend on the school. When I was in school, I used to be allowed to use the portable Firefox as long as it went through the proxy. i.e. they could still monitor things, but I had NoScript etc. as opposed to i.e. 6
It may be a case of asking the admins, and seeing what they say…
Avast Should Block Crashie.com cause It is a Browser exploit Website!
Websites that crash webbrowsers is a Browser Exploit. I think vlk or one of the avast team would agree that it should be blocked
If you are only allowed to use Big-E that crashes that way, yes, you have a problem. The site is not malicious as such, only IE bashing or IE unfriendly to say the least. Any version over IE7 is not vulnerable to this line of exploit code there, ask your school admin to upgrade IE. The versions that crash are insecure anyway…
If he/she does not allow you anything but IE6 or IE7 on that schoolcomp, again you have a problem there…
If you do visit the redirecting site via a proxy like Idoproxy does it still make IE crash?
Probably you cannot load it and get a message like: The requested resource could not be loaded. libcurl returned the error:
Couldn’t resolve host ‘wXw.iecrashie.com’ but your computer would not crash there…
If they would consider blocking this, I do not know under what category?
I think the OP thinks the website is a Browser exploit. But @Microsofthelps on twitter told me in a tweet that the site is just a prank website. Like if you change the Useragent string in Firefox to mimic Internet Explorer’s then Firefox wouldn’t load the webpage either. and the Site doesn’t load for me in IE9.
Furthermore, it says right on the site that versions 7 and previous are affected. Why is it that your school admins/IT dept haven’t deployed version 7/8/ or 9 if they are vista/Windows 7?
Don’t think Avast should block it though, it’s a browser vulnerability, not a virus. Avast is an anti-virus program.
If it’s not a virus, Avast shouldn’t have anything to do with it.
If it causes a problem, your IT dept could prevent you from visiting the site in about 5 seconds by using the FREE http://www.opendns.com or by upgrading to newer software.
Avast should make a new pop up then like a shield that will make a pop up that only asks like saying Warning The Page you are visiting has a script code that could cause your webbrowser crash. then in the ask pop up asks do you want to continue or Abort the loading of website.
NP, btw do you really need this big, striking sig…??
It’s often bigger than your whole reply…
In other words, can you please skip the graphic part…?