Avast doesnt detect “Seekmarker” As pup
Pls add it
Link of the file
Password of the rar file “1234”
C:\Program Files (x86)\SeekMarkers
Avast doesnt detect “Seekmarker” As pup
Pls add it
Link of the file
Password of the rar file “1234”
C:\Program Files (x86)\SeekMarkers
Have you tested file at www.virustotal.com / www.metascan-online.com
If tested before click rescan for a fresh result … you may post link to scan result here
Samples can be uploaded here https://support.avast.com > avast virus lab
Avast Doesnt detect a [b]Virus[/b] "Seekmarker"Avast doesnt detect “Seekmarker” As pup
According to here Avast does detect in PUP mode: http://www.herdprotect.com/seekmarkers.dll-a91965d2ef1e7094ce55806352704622297a8d45.aspx
Also see: https://www.virustotal.com/nl/file/53993d67a34a1d472e1558c989b5a01f0e49de85ee4a3475348d58cdc3634c0c/analysis/
But to confirm, he need to upload the exact file he has…
Sorry was the wrong Link
Herd Protect
Meta Scan ( Better as Virustotal )
Your VT result is 1 week old … because you did not click, rescan for a fresh result.
Analysis date: 2015-05-02 17:13:06 UTC ( 1 week ago )
here avast fails as one of the few atm…
Doesnt look good
Probably Avast will detect this in so-called PUP-mode, but you have to enable this mode first.
This because this dll is potentiallu unwanted (program) = PUP.
its all Setup iam not stupid lol
Avasts Antwort nach hochladen der datei
Hello XXXXX,Thank you for contacting AVAST Software s.r.o. with your concerns.
Our virus specialists have been working on the problem and it’s already fixed. The file “SeekMarkers.dll” is now detected as Win32:PUP-gen [PUP].
Please update your Virus Definitions by following these steps:
Open Avast program and go to > Settings > Update > VIRUS DEFINITIONS > Update.If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to contact me again.
Best regards,
Prokop Kalivoda
Avast Technical Support Specialist