Avast doesn't play nice with Autodesk?!

I’ve been running avast free since it was pre loaded on my alienware aurora (my home office 3d workstation), which is about 1.5 years old.

Yesterday I tried to install Maya 2015 (legit, via autodesk) and after getting through an extremely long download (6 gigs) Avast decided to blow up some files in the bifrost plugin (a new fluid dynamics system, nothing to do with any malicious files that may share a similar name). So that failed. Fun. Had to turn off shields for an hour and redownload, install.

Today I go back to Maya 2014 (which has been installed for months), and upon load the file Shield apparently decides to Nuke RenderSlice.dll from it… breaking Maya 2014. I now have to reinstall it. The file is not in the vault. I guess that is what “Fix automatically” (the default action) means? Delete suspected files without prejudice?

What the hell Avast? You are wasting my time. Also your verification captcha is INFURIATING.


and the bug out with the Captcha confirmation triple posted. This is pretty excellent. Doesn’t look like I’m able to delete my own threads, so apologies for the triple. Is it just me or are these captcha’s almost impossible to decipher visually or audibly. Crazy.


The captcha is for the first three posts. It’s an anti-spam device.
And the triple post isn’t your fault, the forums have been acting up.

When you said avast was “pre-loaded” do you mean it was a used computer?
To my knowledge avast is not pre-loaded in any new computer.

More info is needed…
Any other security software?
If uninstalled how was it removed?

Hmm. Not sure, but I could be blanking on installing it. Its a new machine purchased from Dell (Alienware), I thought it was bundled, but its been 18 months so it could have been me installing.

Windows 8.1 64 bit.
No other security software.
Avast Version is 2014.9.0.2018
Just avast which seems to be blowing away false positives for fun. If that .dll isn’t recoverable (I assume it is not since it isn’t in the vault for some reason), that is a total deal breaker for me.

Did some research on “RenderSlice.dll” it sounds as if you had a corrupt download.
Somehow it affected your registry.
Try to re-download and re-install the software.

Except the RenderSlice.dll it removed was from the 2014 Installation which is not new, and was untouched until it was deleted … by avast.

Maya 2015 was an incomplete download/install previous to that because of avast, which deleted a dll mid stream.

OK i’ll delete and reinstall Maya. I’ll also be uninstalling avast and paying for a higher quality alternative. Get what you pay for I suppose. This annoyance wasted my work day today, effected legitimate software, and I can’t afford that.

Thanks for your time.


Which version of avast? Free? Pro? AIS? Premier?

Before you jump ship let’s find out the reason for the deletion.
