Avast! don't let me uninstall it.

I tried everything, but still not working.
-Not from program panel (icon is there, but does not work)
-Safemode uninstall not work
-Online/offlineUI not work
Actually the whole program is only running, but can’t do anything to it.
-Couldn’t change anything in options
-upgrades not work.

Did you try using the Avast Uninstall tool:
Down load ‘and save to your desktop’ the Avast Uninstall Utility here: https://www.avast.com/en-gb/uninstall-utility

It will ask/ Let it boot into Safe mode. .It will then run on it’s own.
Reboot after

Yes. Tried that both offline and online versions. In safemode and normally.
Getting errormessage “The stub cannot run installer/updater executable (code 0x3)”

And I read every hint from here, but not work

Remove avast manually.

  • Remove all folders/files from avast
  • Remove all registry entries from avast

Really. I read every topic from here, and those didn’t help.
First idea was to delete it manually… Can’t do it.

Why can’t you do it ?
It only requires some basic knowledge about computers/windows.

Avast don’t let me…

Now could somebody please help me?

Delete the files/folders in safemode.
Boot in normal mode and remove all the registry entries from avast.

Please read my previous posts :slight_smile:

avast isn’t running in safemode.
That means you can delete the folders/files if you are logged in as administrator.
Not sure, but you may need to take ownership of them first.

Sorry my bad! Maybe had something to do when had internet on in safemode. Now got rid of it :slight_smile:
Thanks!!! <3

Well I’m at a loss and am not sure what the issue was at all. :-\

In situations like this its always a good idea to have images stored on an external hard drive so they can be used to recover.Or if your using windows then simply use a restore point.

Why struggle for no reason. :wink:

try turning off the avast self protection.

And again a useless post. >:(

Guess you didn’t read reply #12

are you always so disrespectful.?