Avast dont working

Cant install avast. Online installer just cant connect to the server “unknown error”. I managed to install it with offline installer but i cant update or link it to account cuz the same error.

Perform a real clean install of avast.

  • Remove avast completely
  • Remove any pre(vious) installed av('s) completely
  • Try to install avast

If that is not working provide details like
Exact version of avast

Deleted everything. Downloaded online installer version 17.4.2294 http://files.avast.com/iavs9x/avast_free_antivirus_setup.exe from nearby topic by MartinZ. Try to install. Get error 41227(0x0000A10B) [Downloader system error].
Os Win7 sp1.

If I remember correctly that error means that there is a problem downloading from the server.
Give the off-line installer a try.

Offline installer works. But i cant update nor activate installed programm. It says only “connection not established”.

Change your DNS to the Google one and try to update.

Thanks, it worked. Programm now updated and activated. Should i keep this settings in order for this programm to work? Is it safe for my computer to use this network setting all the time?

It is safe to keep those settings.
You will not notice any difference between using your providers DNS or the one from Google.

Thanks for your help.

You’re welcome.