My computer keeps crashing due to BSOD and from what I can find it is due to an Avast driver. I am getting the following message:
The “aswSnx” driver (??\C:\Windows\system32\drivers\aswSnx.sys) appears to have caused a system crash.
Online research led me to Avast. I can find no way to update this specific driver. Avast rep had me uninstall and reinstall which seemed to work for a couple weeks but they have started again.
Uninstall Avast by control panel [If you don’t have Avast in control Panel go to #4]
Uninstall in safe mode using Avastclear.
Run Rejzors Uninstall Utility in Normal Mode (removes traces avastclear doesn’t) - reboot.
Check : Once uninstalled check in device manager>view>show hidden devices if there is anything related to avast with a yellow triangle… if so, uninstall it and reboot.
Well that lasted all of two minutes! Just after I posted my reply to you, the same driver shut down my computer with a blue screen. Any other ideas? I can’t believe how much time I have wasted on this!
I have the same problem.
I was here reading trying to see what others knew and saw your post.
I finally did a System Restore from the Control Panel and am back to the free version.
Funny thing is after doing a system restore Avast offered me the version I had just bought for $19.95 for $9.95.
Not sure whom to address…did you two guys have previous A/Vs on the machine ? AVG, etc.
I ask because perhaps you have been using Avast for awhile but initially had an other A/V.
Besides a clean un-install and re-install you need to make sure you truly remove all remnants of old A/Vs.
Avast and these old remnants can have conflicts:
Also, not knowing your PCs you should look/post other security software you have…any that came with machine, etc.
I have used Avast for longer than I have had this computer, so never installed any other anti-virus. I have only used the free Avast software, and just update it when it prompt for an update.
I have a Dell PC running Windows 7.
Does anyone have any familiarity with this particular driver? I am just really at a loss.
As you stated…it is an Avast Driver and if you have done a clean uninstall, removed all previous AV/s, re-install then there is some other conflict issue. I have PMed a person for you that is good with tools he’ll have you run to find out more. The current state of your system is that it runs ? other words you can get into Windows ?..also what is your O/S ?
When I get the blue screen, I can usually reboot and then the computer runs fine. Then an unknown amount of time…might be days or weeks until the next blue screen. Run every kind of test I can think of, and no problems show up.
Please forgive my ignorance. I believe I have created the zip folder with all the files. Can you please tell me how to upload to that site? I am not seeing any way to do so. Thank you.
Open windows explorer on your computer
In the address bar put
Press enter
Select the incoming folder and drag and drop the zip file there