avast e-mail scanner service

Hi there all,

just chen=cking the security of my firewall (sygate 4.2) and found t at if the e-mail scanner is allowed to access the internet it leaves ports 80 110 and 25 closed rather than stealthed if this service is not allowed to access the internet. Hope this makes sence. Does it need to access the internet? or can I block its access?

Best regards


BlackICE 3.6.cbx Is my firewall and lets the scanner access the internet and the ports are still stealth :slight_smile:

Asterias, I do not use Sygate but I suppose that if the Mail scanner (formely ashMailSv.exe) do not have access to the Internet, you will not receive your email… :-\

The stealth status shows that the Firewall does not allow incoming access from the Internet and not access to the Internet.

In few words, as far I can see, your system is ok. ;D

I use Sygate pro and don’t have that problem with those ports. check with the Sygate forums for more information.

Asterias and Culpeper, troubles with firewalls are posted here:

hi there I have managed to stealth these ports byputting then on the trusted port list within the advanced port section of sygate 4.2, thanks for all the help

Cheers Asterias

version 4.2 is very old try updating it

but it still gives stealth protection, what would be the benefit of undating?

I dont know what they include in the new version i think protection from new worms

Are the new updated sygate reference files compatible with version 4? Check the sygate forums for advice on whether it is a good idea to upgrade. They are very receptive there. Not that we are not receptive. We are. It’s just a Sygate related question.

no the signature files are only working in the 5.x versions