Avast Easy Pass expires - What happens then?

Well, my easy pass license expires in 8 days. What am I going to do when it expires? I purchased the new avast password thing, but at the moment there is no way to transfer the passwords there.

I have hundreds of passwords and I am well pissed off that Avast dropped Easy Pass, before finding a way for the users to transfer their data…

Will I be able to use the software without a new key? I mean even if i can’t access my data, will I be able to use the ones in my laptop?

Without a valid license you will not be able to use it anymore as far as I know.

That’s insane… I really don’t understand ‘Avast’ is thinking. Can we not have an extension of our license until we are able to transfer our passwords etc?

That is not possible at the moment.
According to the FAQ avast is working on a way to transfer the data.

In my opinion another part where they failed with logical thinking…
They should already had it before replacing Easy Pass with avast passwords.

Or something like :

  • in avast passwords “import from easy pass” or something like that.
  • in Easy Pass “print my data”, “export as… (pdf, cvs or whatever)”

I know it can be a lot of work, but login to a site and check if it has something like “send my login details”.
At least you will have something, although it might not be much.

As Avast is not going to provide any solution any time soon, I would advise

  1. Wait for Avast Easy Pass to be auto-renewed? Even when I had manual renewal the dam thing was auto-renewing itself!
  2. Backup your info from Avast Easy Pass Backup option
  3. Buy Robo Form (Avast Easy Pass in reality is a clone of Robo Form)
  4. Create a Robo Form account
  5. Restore your data by using Robo Forms Restore option

Not sure if it’s available for new Avast Passwords, you can also try to Export to Browser the Import back from Browser