Avast Email Server Security - Anti Spam??

Ok I have installed Avast Email Server Security, trial version.

Does this product have any anti-spam capabilities at all?. The product page https://www.avast.com/en-gb/email-server-security
clearly states "Server antivirus and anti-spam,

Where?? I cannot see anything related to spam filtering in the product.

Installed using typical settings.

Ok, I now understand why the product lacks anti-spam. When installing the trial product on a Windows 2003 Server, Exchange 2003 the installer does not show Anti-spam. I know this because when the installer is run on a Windows 7 Pro workstation it is showed, Please see the attached. I have raised a ticket.

I now see that the product although saying it supports Windows 2003, Exchange 2003 actually only provides Anti-Virus not Anti-Spam. On the ticket I have raised the point why bother mentioning 2003 support in all the literature when half the product is missing?