::)Windows 98SE pentium lll 600 . got a message that their was a problem with verifying the mail. found out that the computer could not find the modem any more.followed help instructions, did a debug “d40:0”,and sure enough bios data was lost, registry line showed 0000 at the com3 modem address. re-installed every thing, uninstalled AVAST!, rebooted, reinstalled AVAST!4 and get this window “Avast! encountered problem,Send error report”. There is no icon in the tray, what report should I send? HELP, THANK YOU.
REad mail with OUTLOOK EXPRESS and get this:“The server responded with an error. Account: ‘Compte 1 Vidéotron’, Server: ‘’, Protocol: POP3, Server Response: ‘-ERR avast! cannot scan mail’, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 0x800CCC90, Error Number: 0x800CCC90” . WHAT NOW?
;D ::)Forget it, I found the solution. I read ALL THE TREADS and came back to The one on page 2 RESIDENT PROTECTION started by OLDSALTY on April 18,2003 Reply #7 to 14 and specilay #14 by homey, thanks for the links.