I finally ended up to reformat and reinstall of XP. Now avast! works fine. At least for now.
avast! 4 seems to be the best anti-virus software out there, but it seems to be one of the most unstable as well… I am sure it will improve when it matures, looking forward to future builds.
I’d wish I wouldn’t need to reformat every time avast! decides not to function properly…
I'd wish I wouldn't need to reformat every time avast! decides not to function properly...
me too… I believe it must have been a collision with some other program (or don’t you think?)… if it was just a bug in avast, reinstallation of the system wouldn’t help, I guess… Anyway, if it reappears in the future, please try to remeber what new programs have you installed recently. We may do some deeper analysis to see what can be done…
BTW, when the program crashed (‘avast! encounters problem…’), you were given a chance to send us a report - did you do it? Or maybe, if you can sent it to me, I can have a look at it directly…
Only thing that was different was Tiny Personal Firewall and AVG6, which I uninstalled before installing better Sygate Personal firewall and avast! 4 back. Can it be that AVG6 leaves something behind and avast! 4 does not like it?
Sorry, I didn’t send an error report and now it is too late since avast! is working properly now.
And as I said in my first message, when I right clicked main avast icon and selected “Start avast! Antivirus” it begins memory test normally, but then crashed. Otherwise it seemed to work fine.
And now to some questions:
How much RAM avast! uses when comparing to other anti-virus programs?
How effective is real time scanning engine? Can I leave it on when playing games without worrying that avast! 4 slows my rig down?
And some problem reports:
I am not exactly sure if avast! 4 is the one to blame but… When I am playing games or using other applications in full screen mode, the game or application suddenly minimizes. This tends to happen when my system has been idle for some time. I have a hunch that this issue begun after installing one of the later avast! 4 main program updates.
Can the problem be VRDB generator? It is set to generate when system is idle, that is because I don’t use screensavers.
Sometimes update feature does not seem to work, seems like avast! 4 is “busy” and cannot run the update feature. When manually trying to run update of course.
Can it be that AVG6 leaves something behind and avast! 4 does not like it?
I doubt it. AVG6 and avast!4 do indeed collide but only when installed simultaneously.
How much RAM avast! uses when comparing to other anti-virus programs?
About 12-14MB.
How effective is real time scanning engine? Can I leave it on when playing games without worrying that avast! 4 slows my rig down?
I don’t have any facts about this in my hand right now – the best would be to try it yourself (and maybe post your results here after doing that).
When I am playing games or using other applications in full screen mode, the game or application suddenly minimizes. This tends to happen when my system has been idle for some time.
Hey, it actually could be avast! I personaly saw the exact same problem yesterday, when playing Mafia… ;D
I’ll try to find out more on this.
Sometimes update feature does not seem to work, seems like avast! 4 is "busy" and cannot run the update feature. When manually trying to run update of course.
Update requests are serialized, meaning that if the auto-update is currently taking place, the manual update is blocked until the auto-update (in the background) finishes (and vice versa). That may be the cause…
I shall try to compare gaming performance results with avast! 4 real time scanning engine disabled and enabled. I’d appreciate some results from the “pros” though.
If avast! 4 is the one to blame for minimization problem, hopefully you can patch it soon. It is really annoying, especially if a game does not support task switching properly.
Not sure about auto-update blocking manual update, it happens quite regularly though.
Hey, all Czech software!
Heh, Tiny Personall firewall is bad when comparing it to better Sygate. AVG6 is good though, seems to use very little memory and real time scanning engine is effective. Very "lightweight" software.
If I just could combine AVG6’s very little system resource use with avast! 4 feature riches.