Since the last update Avast is blocking my access to internet. Does anyone have a solution?
The same thing is happening here at my company.
I in Brazil and our company uses Avast! Small Office and since approximately 10:30am we are having these problems.
Does disabling the Web Shield restores the Internet?
If I disable the Internet module, the Network module and the E-Mail module, I can access e-mail and surf the net.
So both your emails and web traffic is blocked with the shields enabled?
This sounds like the AvastSvc.exe process is blocked by a Firewall on the local computer.
What Firewalls do you have?
This is not the case, since I have only the Windows firewall running and I have tested disabling it already. Even with the firewall disabled, traffic is still blocked by avast.
Avast Endpoint Protection Plus is blocking the Internet in some terminals here too… The first case occurred in Thursday 19; later, another in Friday 20; the third was in Tuesday 24, and, today, Thursday 26, the 4th PC have the Internet blocked!
I need to deactivate all modules to internet work again.
We need a solution for this problem. We can’t stay without antivirus here!
In one of the machines I have successfully corrected the problem uninstalling a program from a Bank in Brazil. Look for Warsaw (GAS) on your Windows , and try to uninstall it. See if this works for you. For us it started yesterday, at this machine, with a new version of this program.