I have the free avast Home edition. I am getting a RED error box which says the following:
avast! Information
An error has occurred while attempting to update!
Click here for more information...
When I try to download updates, it gets stuck at 180,224 out of 336,623 bytes. I have been getting this error for the last few days and I don’t know what to do short of reinstalling avast. I have rebooted my Windows XP Professional computer to no avail.
Please let me know if there is any solution besides reinstalling.
was there ever another AV on your system? , pre-installed, Norton, etc?
Right clicking on the “A” ball and manual update gives no response?
turn off you firewall for a moment and try it
After a try at manual update do you get an update after a reboot?
using Zone alarm?
remove Avast permissions in Zone Alarm program control and make it reconfigure
post back with your firewall brand
of course update to latest avast if not current
remove from add remove programs
run Avast remover tool
you know the drill
hacks to try- no guarantee but the toggling of the firewall works for me, also the reboot trick works for me when I do not see a recent update in “about”
I appreciate your response. Thank you. Here is my response to your questions and suggestions:
I have version 4.8 Home Edition. I initially installed it on June 9th, 2008. It was working fine all the way till about four or five days ago when this error started coming up. I have no other Anti-Virus software installed, and I uninstalled the one I had before installing avast on June 9th, which I must have done properly because avast worked fine for the rest of the month. I do not have Zone Alarm, or any other firewall software, and I do not have the Windows firewall turned on, because I have a router where I setup which incoming ports I want open. The outgoing ports are all open. I also have not installed any new software since the time when avast was working.
I do a manual update and the download does start, but then stops at the exact same byte-count 180,224 out of 340,301 bytes every time. When this problem first started, it also stopped at 180,224 bytes out of xxx bytes where xxx was a smaller amount, so I assume there is more to download now then there was the first day this problem started.
I’m getting the very same error and so is my partner (different computer) and a friend too. Strange that they all should occur at the same time.
I’ve been running Avast for the last 4 years without a problem. Why should it suddenly do this for no apparent reason? I have uninstalled and re-installed but to no avail.
For it to happen to several people at one time makes me think that there must be a glitch in the system somewhere.
Any suggestions please?
I suspect serious security issues…what date did your problems start?I have been having other issues with my AvastPro,but they all started at the same time as other worldwide problems,I am unable to access windows updates,and my spyware tools appear corrupted,I have had to disable my ZoneAlarm firewall.Other reports mention denial of service attack on castlecops,termination of Sophos apps,and Outlook Express difficulties,all on or about the same day…makes you think…
Suddenly, for no apparent reason, it’s working again.
Don’t know why. Haven’t done anything to it since yesterday and I was still getting the red error box this morning but I’ve just come in from walking the dog and up popped the blue box with the updates. Amazing!
I will check with the others I know who were having the same problem and see if theirs is working too.
Maybe the gremlins have packed their bags and gone away…here’s hoping!