Don’t know if Avast is awere of this but if you had a folder to the Exclusions they don’t get automatically added to the Resident Shields. You will have to manually add the exclusion to the File Shield.
Yes this is normal, i suppose you added an exclusion in the settings section which only excludes from on demand scans, to exclude from realtime this has to be done in file system shield and depending on what it is your excluding maybe even the auto sandbox and behaviour shield.
Yes, I did add an exclusion in the sttings.
Maybe this is a translation error (using Portuguese (portugal) version, but it states that folders added to exclusion will take effect on Avast’s scans and Avast’s resident shields.
Avast version 7.0.1426
defenitions 120421-1
Yes, that is a translation error.
If you add a program’s path to the File System Shield’s exclusion list, then there’s no need to add the same path also to the auto-sandbox’s exclusion list.
Can you post a screenshot of where is this written? Maybe it has a translation problem in other languages. Thanks.
Hi, here it is the screenshot.
It should say something like “Nota: as exclusões aqui especificadas serão aplicadas às verificações (manuais e agendadas), mas não aos escudos de tempo real.”
Spanish translation is OK. Exclusions in Avast! settings only apply for on demand scans; Manual and scheduled scans.
Thanks, but I’m not behind the Spanish translation. I can’t get that far
Missunderstanding sorry. I thought you were asking if the misstranslation occure in other languages.
This translation error is still present in the latest version.
Any idea when will this be fixed?