Avast Extension adblocker?

Hi all…I’m new here and really didn’t know where to post this so I’m hoping someone here might be able to direct me to the right place. I actually installed Avast on my laptop months ago and I’m totally loving it. I don’t know what took me so long to change for a free version but I’m so happy I did. I set it up the first night and I was amazed at how many things it actually found that the other unmentionable lets just say >:( never found. So when I finally had the time and energy I installed it on my desktop upstairs also. The only difference is it actually installed another extension I believe it’s called Avast Adblocker. And while I was working on the desktop for a bit and on FB I saw that I had no ads which was great and I’m not sure if I was imagining it or not…but it might have been moving faster? But I’m not positive on that because it has so much more on it than this laptop does so I’m just confused maybe. But I looked thru my Avast on my laptop and couldn’t find that extension nor could I find it in my tools section in Google Chrome. Does anyone know anything about this extension at all? Is this a safe extension? Because I can’t find it. And when I googled it and found one in safezone and went to download it with the Avast overall rating extension it had 3 green bars and it downloaded but it was nowhere to be found which makes me nervous now. So can anyone tell me about this extension please. Thank you so very kindly :slight_smile:

Open Avast and click settings top right
Select browser integration
And there it is

:wink: Ahhh…I found it…Thanks so much for helping me out I really appreciate it :-*
