When I click on the green avast! logo in Firefox and it pulls up the sidebar, the settings button on the bottom is not working, anyone have a clue why?
It is the Option site for avast! Online Security. Just copy/paste the address then go. It should open the AOS option site. see image ( it is in Spanish because I am in SA )
I do not think it works with IE. Besides, AOS option button works even with IE 8.
I do not use Chrome so no comments.
It definitely works with FF 27.0.1 since the screenshots are mine. Here with different settings. see image
I just paste the address given by Asyn in my browser bar and enter it. That’s it. No idea why it is not working for you though :-\
Web Of Trust (WOT) does everything AOS does, does it better, has a much larger user base (so many more ratings) and doesn’t cause the heartburn AOS is clearly causing so many people.
I’m sick of pussyfooting around this. I didn’t want to post an alternative in an avast! forum, but this is ridiculous.
I actually ran the two in parallel at one stage, and WOT red or yellow flagged many more sites than AOS.
Since the ratings are totally user based, that doesn’t necessarily mean those ratings are totally correct.
I use it strictly for the added phishing protection since I have almost everything else unchecked.