Avast External Control program using irsetup.exe?

I was reading one of the old posts and it mentioned a 3rd party utility called Avast External Control. It can be found on the Excessive software site.


Since his GUI for Sysinternals excellent Stream program helped me greatly in removing Kaspersky’s KAV stream which was attached to almost every file on my OS/Apps drive, I decided to try his Avast External Control interface.

It’s a helpful little tool, but I’ve noticed that whenever I use it,
I see a program called Irsetup.exe appear in my Documentsandsettings\temp directory.

Product name Setup Factory 6.0 Runtime Module
File name E:\Documents and Settings\Defaultuser\Local Settings\Temp\irsetup.exe

Product name Setup Factory 6.0 Runtime Module
File name E:\Documents and Settings\DefaultUser\Local Settings\Temp~setuptmp0\irsetup.exe
Created date 12/28/2005 19:20:02
File size 720 KB

When I subsequently opened another program that accesses the internet, Zone Alarm reported that SUF60runtime is trying to access the internet (with the irsetup.exe).

In some cases Irsetup.exe can be indicative of the Lolok trojan virus, however when I checked Symantec’s description of it, I don’t have the Registry key they mentioned:


I also see that AEC (Avast External Control) and Irsetup.exe was discussed here in August of last year (but not as a virus possibility):


Is Irsetup.exe in tandem with Suf60runtime anything to worry about, and should I let it pass through Zone Alarm after using AEC?

If Rejzor is reading this, perhaps he can help. His Streams GUI helped me alot. Perhaps he can explain his Temp Cleaner, as I don’t see it performing any tasks when executed.

The irsetup.exe component that is found while using my programs is COMPLETELY safe. I can guarantee about that.
In fact this irsetup.exe is a very neat “trick” so after launching the app creates a subapp so you can work with original executable anyway you like.
Thats why AEC updates so smooth when there is update (of course ;D).

If i remember (from what i tested months ago) irsetup.exe tries to connect to internet when you run my apps, but it doesn’t transmit anything anywhere, it just checks for internet connection if it’s available.
I consider this more a bug in my framework than anything else.

Also please link to http://www.excessive-software.eu.tt since that is my ISPs direct link and i prefer domain linking…

Regarding TEMP Cleaner, when you run it you must click Clean button and then you’ll get message that cleaning was sucessfully completed.