avast! External Control - Which tweaks you'd like to see?

I’ll make a simple tweaker inside my AEC,but i was wondering which features you’d like to see in it.

Here you can check available things:

Current planned:
-Show tray icon
-Use animated tray icon
-Display avast! icon in Explorer Extension
-iAVS check intervals

Hi RejZoR

-Display avast! icon in Explorer Extension
Isn't that the context menue icon???? For checking selected files? and what are the other 2 icon related tweaks for?

You’re right bob, it is this icon.

Sorry Le Doc,
But I need to hear this from RejZoR for a confirmation.

-Show tray icon -Use animated tray icon -Display avast! icon in Explorer Extension -iAVS check intervals

hi bob…these 4 features are already available in the external control…try them out :wink:

Hm why is there a Readme file? :slight_smile: Check the correct section (descriptions are in the same numerical order as in AEC selection menu)

can we have a shortcut to change skins? :stuck_out_tongue:

Gee if you can do that, how about functions to change all the other options that arent available from the right click menue on the a?