Avast! fails again in the Virus Bulletin Test


9 passes, 19 fails.

Compare Products liek Norton Antivirus or NOD32…Avast! does not look good in this list.

Don’t misunderstand me: I LIKE your free scanner very much and I am grateful that you provide it for free. But I can not compare what I like and what I need…and a Antivirusscanner should get all viruses.

So what’s up, why this fail in June? ???


You have a lot to learn and really understand about Avast, I do not believe the Virus Bulletin Website at all and is a load of crap.

These people from the Virus Bulletin website don’t see the real issue about avast anti-virus product, and they don’t see the real product inside and out from the software.

You must remember these people who create the software and make Avast to work strong and stable, Avast team are very serious about their product and there latest virus database.

Debaser72 I have a question how many Anti-virus company do have a website forum like Avast to talk about their product, and to help you with all the question and problem arise.

You must remember the Avast Team is very serious about there software more than any other anti-virus company around the world, and they always do the right thing by their product and their customs also everybody here on this forum.

Do not take any information from the Virus Bulletin website is a load of crap, because your not talking to the real people who create software and they are very serious about product inside and out of the software.

If you trust the Avast product and you feel 100% happy without any complaint about there services from their product, and the people who the right by you and look after you with their product than you have come to the right place on this Avast forum.

Take my advise I do NOT believe every details from the Virus Bulletin website is a load of crap, these people are NOT very serious and I can smell they are a member of the Norton Anti-Virus bull shit club.

“Take my advise I do NOT believe every details from the Virus Bulletin website is a load of crap, these people are NOT very serious and I can smell they are a member of the Norton Anti-Virus bull shit club.”

If this would be true, MANY companies would take legals action against them.

And they are taking real viruses frm the wild…so Avast! should find these viruses.

Its not how programmers or users stand behind a product, when the product does fail in real world.

Thatrs what I get from these tests…sure they cpould be a fake, but then, like stated before, many companys would take legal actiions.

By the way, NOD32 is te leading Viruskiller there…not Norton.

There are many Ex Norton NAV in these forums and they are very happy with avast! It has found viruses that NAV didn’t when they installed avast!

In my experience, many users couldn’t live with the NAV conflicts with other programs. It is also a very painful experience trying to get rid of it.

I don’t think anyone here will try to say avast is better than NOD32, do a search for NOD32 and you will probably find lots of posts and I doubt that many (if any) will be saying its rubbish or worse than avast.

There are functions that are available within avast that are not in NOD32, does that make avast better, it depends what you want from your antivirus program.

Virus Bulletin, is not the be all and end all, but a subjective test, take what you find with a pinch of salt and do your own research. If you want/need P2P, IM, email protection, etc. and the suposed best anti virus engine doesn’t provide it what do you do?

I know what I would do and I am using avast1 after years of trying many of the AV programs out their.


“I know what I would do and I am using avast1 after years of trying many of the AV programs out their.”

Same with me. But still, as an IT professional (and many dissapointments with Norton, MCAfee and Trend Micro!), I HAVE to question products I use and products I advise. Everyone should question his products from time to time, otherwise you will get blind for new innovations or for weak points in your favorite products.

Therefore I use tests…the ONLY thing when you have to decide which antivirus is for you, because no one has about 100-1000 real world virues at home to test their products!

And Virus Bulletin seems to be pretty staid.

Same with me. But still, as an IT professional (and many dissapointments with Norton, MCAfee and Trend Micro!), I HAVE to question products I use and products I advise. Everyone should question his products from time to time, otherwise you will get blind for new innovations or for weak points in your favorite products.

Which is the point that I failed to make, life is about choices, compromises, and you will know there can be problems in having two or more AV programs resident, so we have to choose one based on our needs. You choose the one with the best ratings/test that does meet your requirements.

If the program doesn’t meet our needs does it really matter if it got 10 for 10, etc. So the tests are valid but should be taken in the context of, does the program do what you need of it.

I’m sure one of the Alwil team will proably pick up on this as it has already been discussed at length in another thread.

Edit: Found it http://forum.avast.com/index.php?board=2;action=display;threadid=4805

And if that was his intention (and if you read all of his posts, I don’t think it is), then you have fallen right into his trap and bitten. There was me thinking everyone was friendly round here ;D

What that does (for me anyway) is negate the very valid second part to your rant.

His choice of username might be unusual, but no worse than some on the boards.

well if you look F-Secure has more victories than avast! but i only use F-Secure as a backup scanner

“Says something about the quality of the character of the one making the statement.”
Its form one of my favorite songs of the Pixies, called “Debaser”. Says definitly nothing about my charakter but much about the music I like ;->

“It appears that you came here to stir up s|-|!t.”
No. I have come her to DISCUSS the result of some tests. Seems pretty new to some guys here to DISCUSS and not to start a flame war.

“You probably feed off of irrating others. If you love NAV so much or NOD go and buy them join their online forum and sing their praises.”
I said, I USE Avast! but since I hace to recomend it too, I have to look over my horizon. Therefore I read reviews, tests…
As stated before, I had my problems wit Norton, TrendMicro and McAfee (in large companies) so I search for new products. Avast! looks fine, but lokking good is not the main intention of an Antivirus…it should get ALL viruses out there, which are known.

If its not allowed to DISCUSS some tests here, it would be a very poor statement for the product.

In fact some of you bring the probably good Avast!-Engine with your agressive words and your allegetions in a bad light, since a good product should be supported by facts, not users which start flaming other products instead of DISCUSSING reviews and test. Seems a bit of congregationalism to be around here…

" I stated facts and expressed my opinion"

Pease grow up and learn how to discuss and the differnce between facts and thinking to know about someones charakter thinking about his username in a board.

Thank you for not posting anymore.

Is there ANYONE who wants to discuss about the testresults without mentioning other products, my love for them or my character? Is it possible to get a serious discussion here excuding some kiddies “expressing their mind”?

Well i also cannot agree 100% with VB100% awards. Sure they show certain quality level,but its shows only detection level. User support,graphic interface,other capabilities are not mentioned anywhere,so its pretty limited test of antivirus efficiency. I also don’t understand how Norton can have more positive awards than avast!. I convienced many Norton users into switching to avast! and more than 3/4 of them reported that avast! found many parasites on that machine. VB100% awards say different…
Sure avast! is not as good as NOD32,Pc-cillin or BitDefender in certain things,but its definitely the best among free scaners (Home Edition) and can easily beat AVG,AntiVir and also some payable antiviruses (like Norton or Panda :P),i’m very certain about this :slight_smile: avast! Pro version can step aside big boys like Pc-cillin 2004 without any problems in detection rates and configurability level.

Try it and you’ll see its very good. Also with my avast! External Control utility and integrated Boot-Time scan you can exterminate even the toughest parasites.

Sure avast! is not as good as NOD32,Pc-cillin or BitDefender in certain things
Nor does it have 3 scanning engines as F-Secure does. But if you look F-Secure NOD PC-Cillin and Bitdefender none have the wonderful support forums avast does :D

I agree, that Norton seems not very good at detection.
I can only speak of version 7, wich oversees regularely viruses which are detected by TrendMicro. But since its an old version it would be unwise to take that results.

Sure the detection rate ist not all, but its the most important fact. All goodies are not worth much, when a virus infects my system,

But if the tests would be fakes, I am sure Alwil would take legal actions…its pretty easy for a company to proof if the tests are wrong, since they are pretty transparent.

By the way: testing for real world viruses is the only objective test. All other tests are subjective.

Well look for example the Boot-Time scan function? I can remember only avast! has it and it was proven useful many times. I’m currently on test ride with NOD32 and few days ago i experienced an undeletable parasite (during tests). No matter how fast i was pressing Delete button,Warning popup just didn’t get away. And how can i fix this if warning popup is re-appearing all over again? Boot-Time scan ofcourse :slight_smile: All files and drives are dismounted and are not in use and parasites cannot regenerate because there is no (Windows) environment to do this.

About Norton… Main problem with it is that its very very slow,uses way too much resources and it integrates itself too deep into system (very hard to remove without any conflicts with other AV software). There is also not much freedom in configuration and parasites removing methods.
Version 2002 and 2003 were somehow still acceptable,but 2004 is terrible. No real changes from version 2000 to 2004 but still the same price. I would call this costumers rip off :frowning: Also they have practically no technical support or its pretty useless when you get it. Did i mentioned their LiveUpdate definitions are sometimes old for three (3) days while you can download latest manual packages any time (but why is there LiveUpdate which is very important in outbreak cases?).

VB100% tests are most probably not fake,but they seems to be somehow biased in favor to some companies (like Norton). Some companies are really good thoug… :slight_smile:

By the way: the only real problem I have with Avast! is its enormous hunger for CPU.
Many times I get a CPU use of 50% or more (AMD 2400+)!

And in fact, when there are big files (like ISO-Images), I have to turn of the standard scanner, otherwise I can not access the files (eg when mounting ISO with Avast! “online”, I can not access the virtual CD-Drive)

Do you have set Scan All Files? Set to scan only infectable,because scanning files like ISO images is just a waste of CPU power and memory. Such files cannot be infected in any way.

I have to check this…see you tomorrow ;->

Reading the arguments here reminded me of Auto road tests, well I drive a Vauxhall Astra, which probably never made anyones top ten review or Auto of the year! But to me its a great car. its economical to run and always gets me to my destination and has never lets me down. This is the same situation with Avast, you could argue the merits about which Antivirus is the best and who has the best features the fastest scans etc. for ever and everyone would still have a different opinion. Obviously any industry tries to set standards so that can evaluate their product against others, don’t forget that Alwil subscribe to the V100 test and their stated goal is to detect 100% in the wild viruses. So Avast failed to make the grade by missing one in the wild fle, does this make it a bad product? Well not in my book, I have used Avast for over two years and yes I have also previously tried others but in the end it was Avast for me.

I run Avast together with Sygate Firewall and have never experienced any problems with either product, which is supprising as I surf the net daily. To date Avast has found several worms which it sucessfully removed from my email and keeps my computer clean. To verify this, I regularly run other online scanners and check my drives and have only ever found one worm that Avast missed which was lurking in a Java file. On this occasion I found that re-setting the scanner on Avast to the highest settings cured the problem and Avast also found the same worm, so lesson learnt I now run at the highest settings possible.

When I originally set up Avast I also experenced a problem getting Avast to read emails, so I emailed Alwil support and was very impressed to receive a personal and detailed reply which sorted out my problems (didn’t know about the forum in the early days!). So from my experiences, although Avast may not always get the 100% award it is still a very good product and can be used with confidence also support is second to none, you won’t find better anywhere!



“But to me its a great car. its economical to run and always gets me to my destination and has never lets me down.”

That’s THE main problem here.,…its not about “ME”!
What about your car, when some died because of some malfunction? Still a car you recomend, because you are satisfied?

A mass product can never be about “ME”, it has alway to be about “US” and “THEM”. It has to work for many people and in many situations…not for one.